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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Guys:

    Here's the inside story of "ACME", a satirical highly-diversified American supplier of nearly every contraption and resource "Wile E. Coyote" needed for his perpetually-flawed attempts to capture and consume "Road Runner" in the hilarious Warner Bros. Cartoons, which featured many unique combinations of recurring characters including my favorite Bugs Bunny aka "Wabbit" (inspiring consistently irreverent outbursts in the EFFC forum when the muse takes hold of my psyche): :idea:


    I think ACME even made various "aircraft" for the Coyote from time to time; probably a custom order, one might wonder if they did custom repaints of their creations too! :wink:

    PS: This link is for Pups to study and explain to us:


    BTW, where is that Pups again... has he "reached the ACME of his Pinnacle" and moved on? :roll:

    While we await his reply, some pre-flight info we all might wish to keep in mind at the virtual world of Emma Field:







  2. Right now (as I'm trying to hit the hay) I'm listening to a horn concerto by a *dork* that has a car alarm that's tripped by a piece of fluff that's anywhere within a nanometer of his car. :cry:

    Pee pole should turn those things off and place them in... ah, how to be delicate here... a place that's like a black hole in that no light can escape from its inner boundary.

    It's now gone off 3X in the past 5 minutes and I just used a few words that aren't in my $2.95 special student edition dictionary.

    Pups (listening to horn concerti in Seattle)

    The Little Puppy acted on his first impulse, and "rectified" the unruly neighbor's car alarm problem. :twisted:

    Strangely invigorated by the thrill of acting on primal impulses, Pups then was startled to find himself joining his own kind for a session of "Canine Camaraderie". :shock:

    He desperately tried to fight his instincts to join in the fray, but in the end, Pups' inner nature slipped out for just one brief moment! :P




  3. Nicknamed the "Brown Line"

    And speaking of Einstein, is that like the 'Brownian Movement'? :P

    Pups (with 'relatives' in Seattle)

    Well... lets just say that if the rumored bush pilot distribution joint venture recently formed between Fritz and Don Smith turns out to be as successful as the local sales of Uncle Elmer's Old #5, we'll see plenty of "Brownian Movement" between Lilliwaup, WA and Lillooet, B.C.! :wink:



  4. Hi All:

    For those who have not availed themselves of the Emma Field bar cheese for its effects on "intestinal fortitude" (f*rtitude?) before flying into some of the challenging bush airstrips of Vancouver+, Fritz has decided to launch an additional new venture selling the "Potty Scooter"! :idea:

    Nicknamed the "Brown Line" after their characteristic color theme, these innovative designs can be wheeled right up to your aircraft parking spots for quick access, instead of doing that awkward waddle over to the outhouse after a particularly challenging flight! :?

    Originally invented by Uncle Elmer (who had often personally experienced an "urgent" need for such a convenience at rural airfields), the entrepreneurial Fritz decided "If it's good enough for Elmers End, it must be good enough for yours" would be too obscure, and instead settled on "OUT OF THE 'PIT AND INTO THE CRAPPER" as a catch phrase for his new product line. :lol:

    FS Potty Scooters... for times when you really gotta' go! :!:

    For pricing and availability information, contact Fritz, the "Tenured Honcho of Emma Field" at KEWL. :mrgreen:

    PS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crapper and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmers_End



  5. Gawd, that was funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    My head's (Leek?) spinning after that one , but I'll figure it out... in time! :D

    Er, well, lets see... will I need a "chron-ometer", or a "crone-ometer"? :roll:

    "Does anybody really know what time it is...?" :P


  6. Well, it had to happen eventually. :shock:

    What with all the enticements of beta testing and the primal territorial urge driving him to fill up his hard drive space with new add-ons, eventually the Little Puppy would have to stray. :?

    Wabbit, Pups' virtual cohort in humor, coupled through an inexorable quirk of electron-photon duality, was feeling a lack of "presence" throughout his domain since Pups was nowhere to be found with any degree of certainty. :oops:

    Wabbit was concerned that some dastardly Current event had carried Pups away in a sweeping flow of Electromotive force that was nothing short of reVolting, since the Wabbit knew Pups might not have the Capacitance to Resist, and might not know Watt he was getting himself into. :evil:

    "Ohm y gosh!" said Wabbit as he frantically searched their usual domain for any trace of Pups, but he was not to be found. He must have gotten Amped up by something to the Max;well displacement by current events is always a characteristic of a virtual entity that travels light and gives a wave as it follows the direction of its self-propagation, oscillating at odds with its dual electric and magnetic components as it goes through phases. :|

    But as he went on his merry way, Pups had forgotten that a traveling EM wave incident on an atomic structure induces oscillation in the atoms, thereby causing them to emit their own EM waves.

    These emissions then could alter the impinging wave through interference, as the superposition of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern. If the fields have components in the same direction, they constructively interfere, while opposite directions cause destructive interference. And we don't want that do we? :twisted:

    As Pups' self-propagation accelerated, like any changing magnetic field, he produced electromagnetic radiation; electromagnetic information about the wayward charge travels at the speed of light back to the Wabbit. 8)

    The effect on Wabbit languishing in the EFFC forum could only be described as retarded time (as opposed to advanced time, which is unphysical in light of causality). :idea:

    And the force compelling Pups' absence was now also responsible for any subsequent electromagnetic radiation manifest in the EFFC forum, since where anything is conducive to alternating current events, electromagnetic radiation is propagated at the same frequency as the electric current. :!:

    Depending on the circumstances, electromagnetic radiation may behave as a wave or as particles; thus the dynamic duo known as "Wabbit and Pups" may manifest (...or not!) accordingly. :wink:

    "My Dog, my Dog, why have you forsaken me!" cried Wabbit in a moment of anguish. :cry:

    In a rare frenzy of malcontent, Wabbit laments in song:

    "Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone

    Oh where, oh where can he be

    With his ears cut short, and his tail cut wrong

    Oh where, oh where can he be

    Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone

    With his eyes so big, and his tongue so long

    Please bring back that Puppy to me! " :roll:






  7. Very tired indeedy... getting too old for 32+ C days (10 in a row), 4000 km's driving trips and battling dial-up connections, dust, local liquor and garlic food ! :roll: :roll: 8)

    Ahhh, good to be back at Emma Field, where one can enjoy... the local liquor! :lol: :lol: :lol:



  8. The Were-Penguin cringes at the mention of garlic and tries to hide in a dark corner... Only to find it filled with all sorts of Emma-ites desperate to hide what they've done from Fritz...

    That was hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    But wait... perhaps there's more to come; we can't let Fritz go AWOL and come back to only this small challenge to his quiet, routine, easy-going existence that he normally enjoys at Emma Field, can we? :roll: :wink:



  9. What???!!! :!:

    Fritz is back and hasn't even commented yet on the "changes" that took place at Emma during his sneaky AWOL hiatus? :shock: :lol:

    He must be tired from the long drive; maybe he better get some rest before the EFFC mischief ramps up even further! :wink:

    PS: Glad you're back safe! :P


  10. Due to the low number of posts in the EFFC forum by folks who visit but don't take the time to contribute, it was apparent that Emma Field had "plateaued". :(

    Apathy by EFFC visitors caused the surrounding scenery experience to become flat as far as the eye could see. :shock:

    No doubt, deep in the hearts of all Emma Field users was an undying love for that place which they had previously kept up on a pedestal (sanitary?) high above all other FS scenery areas, yet lately they just couldn't seem to adequately express their appreciation by celebrating that consistent enjoyment with others in the course of their busy weeks by taking the time to post or fly online with other EFFC members. :oops:

    Now their worst fear had come true: ...Emma Field was FLACCID! :!:

    The Wabbit thought about this, and said: "If you ask me sir (mesa?), as FS sceneries go, Emma Field is a Beaut (butte?) that deserves to be cherished and celebrated at the EFFC forum often, no matter how busy we may think we are!". :wink:

    Could something be done to save Emma Field from the ominous state of affairs currently manifest at the EFFC Forum? :roll:



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