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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. As impatient EFFC members have been pestering Fritz about getting Emma Field 2004 to work better in FSX while awaiting the new rebuild by FSAddon, Uncle Elmer, now in a state of high tension, "encourages" Wabbit to inspect those new powerlines along the taxiway coming from City of Tacoma's Cushman Hydroelectric Project! :mrgreen:



  2. Vowing not to be outdone by other daring high tech approaches to electrical work shown in Jeffs video, the guys from Shamir's Dominican Republic Power Company video decide to show the world what "high tension" is all about! :mrgreen:

    Shamirs' video URL: http://www.sdjl.co.uk/2007/06/26/electrublic-way/


    PS: Very impressive video BTW Jeff; I bet that guy gets a real 'charge' out of his work! :lol:



  3. Wow... pretty impressive flying; I always thought that was only done by stunt men in the movies! :P

    I expect we'll be seeing some of that around Emma Field sooner or later after someone gets "tanked up" on E-rations of White Lightnin' and gets into their chopper. :wink:

    We might end up with a few more of those "clear cut" utility corridors around the place to use as tracks for our trail bikes, ATV's and snowmobiles! :lol:


  4. Pups begins his "assault" on Mount Ellinore as a part of his climbing tours of the various peaks around the Olympic Mountain range near Emma Field, his goal being to expand his virtual territory by "christening" the mountain tops as only Dogs can do so well! :wink:

    As he is about to reach the first Acme of his pinnacle, Pups looks out across the magnificent terrain and thinks about how easy implementing his "territorial imperative" used to be in prior versions of the Flight Sim when there was far less autogen. :roll:

    As he thought of the possible implications of a new Emma Field scenery being built for FSX using land class rather than Richard Goldstein's gorgeous photorealistic textures, he felt an abrupt twinge. :shock:

    Pups was compelled to take pause... in fact, he actually had some difficulty with rendering the "data stream" in his virtual world, and worse yet he sensed part of himself might be missing, but he just wasn't sure. :oops:

    As he tried to both re-render and "re-member" what was missing, a thought occurred to him, which at the same time filled him with inspiration and apprehension about measuring up to challenges he could now see out in the awesome landscape awaiting him: :!:

    SO MANY TREES... SO LITTLE TIME !!! :mrgreen:



  5. Chris was awarded the prestigious ‘most valued member’ award.

    Normally I’d be very jealous of that award, but I can still remember the girls of my 1st year university class awarding me that same honorary title. (The details of which will remain in Watson’s tin dispatch box until the world is ready for it.)

    Pups (winning dubious awards at university in Seattle)

    Congratulations, Chris! :D

    Hey Pups: did your honorary title have anything to do with Setting new records for "expanded bone limits"? :roll: :mrgreen:


  6. Hi Sean:

    Check and see if you still have the implicated Bear Gulch files listed in the thread at:


    If they are there, they reportedly will be in the {FS9 install path}\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder.

    Please let me know whether those files are there, as I am trying to track this issue for a (freely available) troubleshooting database intended to assist Emma Field users in solving these types of problems, and need this type of feedback to help us all! :roll:

    I might have a couple of additional questions pending your reply, so if you solve your problem with the above fix, it would probably help us Emma Users all out in the long run if you stop back in on this thread to follow up briefly.

    Thanks, and I hope you're back out flying at Emma soon! 8)


  7. n4gix / Bill has also contributed some wonderfully illuminating and time saving Tutorials at Freeflight Design Shop Design Forums. :idea:

    This one may prove particularly interesting to Chris later, as he is a repainter, and has agonized over "mirroring" issues used by some designers: :shock:


    Another excellent "gift" of insight (arising from your innovative hard work) you have given to the FS user community, Bill! :D


  8. Oops.. would you believe I clicked the wrong button?

    Oh boy... now that I know I can use this font color, I'll be posting more provocative things just to see if people are actually reading what I wrote!

    And if I can just find a way to make my cartoons invisible too, the EFFC Forum can go back to being it's usual quiet self without any distractions by GaryGB.

    My first invisible cartoon: The Emmaperor's New Clothes!!! :mrgreen:

  9. Hi Sean:

    A few questions first... :)

    Are you running FS9 with the FS9.1 update patch?

    Is Emma Field 2004 at the top of the FS Scenery Library list?

    Do you also have Ultimate Terrain (UT) for FS9 loaded, and if so, is it just Canada/Alaska, USA or both?

    If you have UT-USA installed, has it been patched up to version 1.3?

    If you have UT-USA installed, in the UT Setup and Configuration Tool, do you have "Enhance Streams" checked?

    Do you have any 3rd party add-on sceneries installed and active in FS9 which are located fairly close to Emma Field?

    Do you have Vista Australis (VOZ) installed in FS9, and if so is it version 1.21?

    Did you get any ViMa*.dll module errors after upgrading to Emma Field version 1.52?

    Did you get any visualfx.dll errors?

    I also have to follow the same longer method to install my Emma Field originally purchased for FS2002; it can be problematic! :idea:

    After we see your answers to these questions, we will know better how to help you more specifically without taking too much time. :wink:

    However, the 56 - 60% crashes / CTDs at or near Emma Field are most often seen in association with the UT-USA "Enhance Streams" feature being turned on.

    It is unclear what causes this, and whether this is fixed in UT for FS9 version 1.3.

    I never experienced it with UT-USA and Emma Field installed in FS9, and suspect an odd FS Scenery Library layering issue caused by other PNW add-ons in combination with UT and Emma Field.

    Thanks to Mike (Cruachan) for bring this scenario to the attention of the EFFC Forum.

    Occasionally this is caused instead by missing texture files for Bill Womack's excellent Bear Gulch scenery (located in the Northwest end of Lake Cushman) normally only available by purchasing it as part of the similarly excellent RealAir Decathlon, Citabria and Scout aircraft package for FS9.

    A portion of Bear Gulch was included in the original freeware VOZ 1.21 update file package by accident, and when FS9 fails to find missing certain scenery texture files called by the Bear Gulch "BG_VTPH.BGL" file, this also causes the 56 - 60% CTD.

    Thanks to Don Smith for bring this latter scenario to the attention of the EFFC Forum.

    It is unclear whether this was fixed in a particular version of the VOZ updates; perhaps Bill Womack (spotlope) might tell us what ended up happening with this old problem, and after what update version of VOZ is it safe to use with Emma (I presume Bill might have been in communication with VOZ author John Venema after this innocent error was identified.)

    There are other possible rare causes, but this usually can be solved with a little patience and working through these Q&A's.

    Hope this helps! :D


  10. Poor Chris... "Tubes" seem unavoidable, no matter where he goes! :lol:

    Have you considered posting in the AVSIM Scenery Design Forum:


    or the fsdeveloper GMAX Forum (I believe Arno Gerritsen's the main man behind the FSDeveloper website):


    Those places have some very experienced GMAX users who often pop in to offer help to us novices in this "Black Art" :idea:

    It is a strangely captivating course of learning though, isn't it? :roll:


  11. Hey Gary,

    I have GMax, but I thought it was not supported in FSX? Or that rather, GMAX does not support FSX...

    Thing is - I do not want any online tutorials... I am a tree hugger :lol: I like the feel of paper and I would rather read a book...

    ...you know, one of those things that used to hang on a bit of string in granny's (or in some folks' cases: great great granny's) outhouse :mrgreen:

    I tried looking for a "...for Dummies", no joy. Anyway, this is as far as I have got by sheer bloody mindedness and pressing buttons. So as you can see - I need help...

    Hi Chris:

    I also enjoy a nice hard copy book for reference desk side; nothing quite like the professionally printed page for legibility and portability is there? :)

    Although I must say that due to the vast amount of paper I have to chase during my week, and the fact that most reference texts I buy are out dated by the time they get finished and published, I feel compelled to entertain the fantasy of someday going totally digital (Hmmm... that didn't come out so good did it; guess we'll just have to have some fun with that one!) :wink:

    Sorta' like going totally POSTAL... except different in potentially diverse humorous ways. :lol:

    And I have thus far only dabbled with GMAX a few times in the past before getting intimidated by the learning curve with what little time I have available.

    I also had bought a copy of FSDS a few years ago to try out, attracted by the prospect of an apparently less complex user interface to be dealt with.

    I must confess the lure of forum mischief got the lions' share of my limited spare time for a year or so until this last spring when I decided to see if I could bring some fixes and enhancements to Emma Field 2004 scenery users by subjecting myself to a rigorous and seemingly masochistic episode of trying to further learn and use the disgracefully under-documented FS2Kx SDK; however, I'm determined to see the project through to completion! :shock:

    Anyway, assuming you have FSX Deluxe with SP1 and the included FSX SDK SP1A update installed in its default location, try out this link to Microsoft ® Flight Simulator X SDK Overview on your own hard drive (if you haven't done so already):

    [ EDIT: Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\sdk overview.html ]

    ...and on the first page (actually it's all 1 long scrollable page with lots of links... just like old style web pages except without the funny gray backgrounds and chunky type faces!) you'll now see that:

    # The gmax® and 3ds Max® exporting tools have been updated to support expanded bone limits and custom event IDs.

    # An XtoMDL script bug, preventing the proper lighting of models, has been fixed.

    (I'm embarrassed to see Microsoft keeping up with certain trends on the internet... their tools now support "expanded bone limits" like some of the web ads I've seen elsewhere!) :oops:

    Interestingly, MS has slightly reduced the extent to which it again willfully under-documents the FSX SDK compared to the FS2Kx SDK.

    They even provide us with a link to download GMAX, still at version 1.2, still for free, and compatible with FSX on that same first page above!

    After downloading everything on the linked http://www.turbosquid.com/gmax page (except for the bottom 3 entries) and installing them, browse the resulting "gmax.chm" aka the "gmax user reference".

    Both the above GMAX User Reference and Microsoft ® Flight Simulator X SDK Overview are good reads indeed; the Windows CHM Help viewer and Firefox respectively seem to print these out properly formatted and quite legibly on my desk side laser printer, too. :idea:

    I might just make my own "book" out of all the pages what with toner and paper being so cheap nowadays; and if I goof on a few pages, well, they'll probably come in handy when I visit the "SimOuthouse" (couldn't resist again!) :P

    Hope this helps get you started (watch out FSD... EagleSkinner is no mere beginner!!!) :mrgreen:

    _________________________________________________ :arrow:

    Setting new records for "expanded bone limits" in Seattle


  12. Gawd, that was funny Pups! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    So, who was it that got sacked for NDA impropriety? :roll:

    But wait! Order within the next 10 minutes and we’ll give you a FREE plastic nose that can be put anywhere. Why you could even use it for other people’s business!

    Perhaps the Emporium should stock "disposable" noses for overzealous Flight Simulation enthusiasts aspiring to become a MSVNP (Microsoft Sycophant Valued Nasal Proctologist?)! :twisted:



    I believe the great amphibian footage in Commando was of a beautiful Grumman Goose (is there a repaint of that one anywhere?) :)


  13. Talking of "needful things" - anyone know of a good 'beside-the-PC' paperware for FSDS? (3.5)

    I don't fancy printing the help file...

    Hi Chris:

    http://www.windowlight.co.nz/design.html (only 1 of many tutorials out on the web, of course!)

    Yep... GMAX recommended rather than FSDS; although I always try to respect the underdog, and a lot of memorable aircraft were made with it for lack of anything else at the time (or due to the intimidating... but inevitable GMAX learning curve), Abacus and their partners seem all too often to lag behind the state of the art, and repeatedly make me worry about just how dangerously close to the drain they keep circling such that one might end up with yet another "abandonware" software package. :roll:


  14. Gary, as for your PBY project.... I was going to do pictures for Aerosoft (Mathijs Kok is running a PBY project there), since I live 45 minutes from it's base. Haven't gotten 'round to it, but the Aerosoft PBY might be just what you need. Haven't heard about the progress, you'd have to check out the Aerosoft forum.

    Hi Francois:

    Thanks for the heads up on the Aerosoft PBY project; details are here:


    And OMG... look at the cockpit ( or should I say "Kok-pit" :wink: ); I'm a person who has not been previously thrilled with cockpit flying in FS thus far... and the detail in that one is exciting compared to other PBY cockpits I have seen!)

    The Dutch PBY is a good looking model, and we must be sure it is well represented as a livery with the help of your pix; so I hope you do get "a round Tuit" soon, they are a good thing to have according to Chris! :lol:

    I did find a FSX.CFG tweak to get the Alpha PBY to format and display correctly in FSX, and it is still a good overall version to use in FSX.

    The Alpha PBY will be as low poly as I would want to go; although we owe a debt of gratitude to Mike Stone for giving us an FS2Kx alternative to the Abacus "abandonware" Catalina, it also does not look or fly well in FSX, just as there are problems too with a modded Abacus PBY when an FSX port is attempted .

    Looking forward to seeing the Aerosoft PBY released ASAP! :D


  15. Now that we know Onno is in good spirits touring the 8 distilleries and listening to Jazz, we can further lift his spirits (as he lifts his glass) with a little humor! :wink:

    you will meat someone who is the right one for you. :)

    The more you expose yourself to others the better the chances it is to meet that special someone. And remember women out-number men 2 to 1 so your chances are looking good my friend. And remember the best thing in a relationship is compromise :) :)

    Inspired by Brad's words of encouragement, our intrepid adventurer (knowing that women outnumber men 2 to 1) gets out and exposes himself to others figuring his chances are looking good to meat someone in a relationship of compromise! :oops: :mrgreen:

    [ EDIT: No disrespect intended to Brad's good intentions or typing here (I make lots of typos... I usually quit typing and instead use speech recognition so I might "appear" to goof less!); it's just an attempt to introduce a little levity to a situation that might also benefit from seeing things in a more cheerful way! :) ]

    PS: And in a "sort of funny" related story... be careful! :shock: :P




  16. Gawd, that was excellent Chris... Pups does indeed wag a "tale" for us now and then! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Between Pups' tale wagging, the "CBris Chronicles", and a number of our other fine forum participants, we have some excellent traditions of story telling building here to keep us all entertained! :P


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