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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. There will be more news this weekend..... meanwhile I hope someone can stick his finger in the dike !!!
    Heh heh heh... a old Dutch solution for rising water levels? :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Never ones to miss a new opportunity for fun, Pups and GaryGB get in some "Jet Ski" action near Fritz Island! :shock: :P



  2. With the news that there will be news in the news about the... er, new Emma Field for FSX, EFFC members shed so many tears of joy that they raise water levels in Lake Cushman to the flood stage! :cry:

    Cecil, in his first official action as new Mayor of Lilliwaup, quickly annexes "Fritz Island" before Fritz tries to declare it a new protectorate of British Colombia and "secede from the Union". :shock:

    The horse, of course, maintains his usual composure during all the excitement. :mrgreen:




  3. Hi Chris:

    Nice and "grotty" on that one! :lol:

    Aluminium doesn't rust - although of course it corrodes. And the corrosion layer is where it stops - as a self protective barrier.

    Probably Dornier was smarter than the builders of this one: :shock: http://rv-8a.net/SEA%20Pacer.htm

    How about the Mikko Maliniemi Maule M-7-260... any possibility of some "rustic" rural bush pilot repaints on that one? :roll:



  4. Hi Andy:

    The DO-27 on floats would very cool! :D

    I particularly enjoy amphibians, and fly quite a variety in FS. My latest favorite is the Maule M-7-260 amphibian by Mikko Maliniemi and team (which is only 1 of 6 liveries in the package).

    It works well in both FS9 and FSX, and I have adapted the sound.cfg file to use the excellent default FSX Maule Maule_M7_260C's surround encoded audio files with it when I am in either FS9 or FSX (FSX surround encoded audio files work with FS9 aircraft even in FS9 flights!).

    While you await a float DO-27, may I recommend the Mikko Maliniemi Maule M-7-260 package as a great alternate plane to use. You might even want to experiment with using the "RASScout2006_Amphibian.air" or "RASScout2007_Amph.air" file renamed to "Maule.air" (after first backing up your original "Maule.air" file under a different file extension) to see what a different experience flying can be in FS9 or FSX respectively with that superior (and realistically demanding!) set of flight dynamics. :wink:

    The complete Mikko Maliniemi Maule M-7-260 set with updates and repaints is found at:


    PS: Hey Chris/EagleSkinner: ...Ever consider repainting this beauty (with some dirt and rust stains for a change?)

    Hope this helps you enjoy getting into more scenic areas as you fly! 8)


  5. Truly awe-inspiring; thank you SO much, Francois!!! :shock: :D

    Sheesh... now you've re-kindled both my wanderlust and my love for nature photography! :lol:

    I may just have to start making travel plans now! :P


  6. Gawd, you guys crack me up! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Cliff: I tried out Leon Louis' KLL5 scenery, and the FPS were OK in FS9; even though they were SCASM API macros, they were fairly efficient. However I understand that type of code is a FPS killer for FSX. It is in a nice scenic area just inside the Quinault Indian Reservation there at the south end of the lake; Washbamagie is just NE outside the reservation in the edge of Olympic National Park.

    Of course it was placed there at elevations for the distorted FS9 world, so it too has object alignment and water elevation problems with the geo-corrected FSX / UT-USA world.

    If you send me a copy by PM of the Washabamagie airport scenery (or at least the airport "AFCAD" BGL) I can take a look at it to see what must be done to integrate it with a higher resolution terrain mesh and with UT-USA.

    As the FS2004 world is variably out of alignment with the real world terrain, Washabamagie (elev.+/-200 ft... but originally made for the misaligned FS2003/Fs2004 world!), when displayed on top of a relatively more geographically correct terrain mesh such as FSX now has, just overlaps the edge of Lake Quinault (elev. 186 ft.) on the SE shoreline side of Lakeview Drive, N of the Lake Quinault Resort at the outlet of "Slide Creek", and a little south of July Creek Campground.

    Just in case your GPS cuts out on ya' when you're out there flying, you can find your way back to good old Emma Field! :P


  7. Hi Onno:

    Found this based on your reference:


    But I really must suggest this one as well (highly recommended!): :idea:

    It's the Love Theme from Blade Runner; very memorable... as are the ladies in our lives. :wink:


    Oh, and if you're in the mood for a simultaneous "windowed" FS2004 flight in Dekkard's (Harrison Ford) "Spinner" flying car from the movie Blade Runner while playing that YouTube video and soundtrack in another "minimized" window, here it is:


    BTW, Onno, do I understand correctly that you have some accessibility to the Dutch PBY :?:

    Bill Dick, Phil Cayton and I have been throwing ideas around for a PBY compatible runway 1,300 meters long for full load out landings not far from the Emma Field area. The AlphaSim PBY5 Catalinas work fine in both FS9 (and FSX with a simple aircraft.cfg tweak).

    I was thinking we might do a scenery and some fly-in adventures with a theme like that of the movie "Always", perhaps with some A-26 bomber dead-stall landing competitions such as Richard Dreyfuss did, humorous training misadventures such as befell actor John Goodman, and possibly missions involving forest firefighting in the Olympic National Forest near Emma Field.

    Of course we must decide who is in the boat fishing on Lake Cushman when the PBY comes roaring along after a water touch and go! (Don Smith and Fritz perhaps?) :P

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Always_(film) ...a "must see"!

    If you, or any others with an appreciation for the PBY amphibians have some interest in developing a project along these lines, please let me know.

    Kind Regards,


  8. Hi Francois:

    After watching the Black Shark video, I'm really ready to "Rock the Bloc" as MicroProse originally had promoted "Gunship!" on their packaging !!! :P

    When I originally bought Lock On - Modern Air Combat (LOMAC), my system wasn't powerful enough to run it; now that I'm using a somewhat better system for simming, I guess it's about time to re-install Lock On and try it out again. :idea:

    I remember the promo videos on a CD from either PC Pilot or Computer Pilot looked great, but I couldn't run it well at the time. :oops:

    I'm curious how LOMAC "Flaming Cliffs" ended up looking; anybody tried that one? :roll:

    We'll have to see if a new Combat Flight Sim module might be possible for the FSX engine in the future, so the guys at HoverControl can really showcase their talents! :lol:


  9. Hi Pups:

    Drats, foiled again, eh? :lol:

    Well, as I had typed that one rather than using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 Pro (which works even better than NSP version 8 BTW!), it wouldn't have been impossible for me to goof again as you had so successfully razzed me about for my typo in the past! :wink:

    Should one possess (to have; to own; to control or be controlled by) an over-riding sense of mission to properly use the possessive pronouns for fear of being dispossessed from the accepting environs of the EFFC coterie in the U.S. possession of rural Washington State? :oops: ...NAH!!! :D


    And "wreckless abandon" was indeed meant as a play on words for your prior use of "reckless abandon" in conjunction with my qualifying text suggesting that "crash-detection" had previously been turned off in FS9 (or more properly Aircraft Realism had been set to "Ignore crashes and damage" as it is termed in FSX.

    FSX of course, being where (as I understand from your other posts) you have exclusively focused your FS activities now before you subsequently "abandoned" FS9 for the "Joy of FSX" during your recent system rebuild. :roll:

    Speaking of anticipated Helicopter fun, I heard Eagle Dynamics' / UbiSoft's Lock On "Black Shark" is coming out soon (see this promo video): http://www.serik.dk/page5.html --> http://www.serik.dk/grizzly/BSP.rar

    Looks like MicroProse's still excellent "Gunship!" ported into FS by way of Lock On and IL2! :shock:

    Happy "Helo-days" coming soon! 8)


  10. Hi Cliff:

    I will soon be releasing an FSX compatible flatten (and default FSX autogen excludes for pop-through objects like the utility tower at the end of RWY36) for the Emma Field 2004 airfield environment which will substitute for the older (SCASM-based?) flatten code not rendered by FSX. :wink:

    With the original out-of-the-box RTM version of FSX, MANY more older coding instructions were not honored at Emma Field and other 3rd party older airfields causing bizarre results with taxiways, runways, flattens, layering, and apparently with placement elevations for some SCASM based 3D objects.

    I gather that ACES subsequently responded to FS community feedback requesting an additional measure of retro-compatibility code into SP1 to allow at least the airport taxiway and runway flatten instructions to be rendered.

    However the surrounding airport area flatten instructions still are not honored by the FSX engine, and will need a new substitute created which should properly blend with the elevations of the taxiways and runways as well as the surrounding terrain mesh; this should be forthcoming sometime soon. :)

    It would be interesting to hear more feedback from users as to how their FPS are doing with Emma Field 2004 loaded into FSX; sluggish results seem to occur variably from session to session, and it is not yet clear which features may be associated with this.

    Although we might best regard this port to FSX as a temporary "placeholder" and less-than-optimal introduction to Emma Field for those who only run FSX as we await a brand new Emma Field specifically built for FSX, perhaps we can pool our knowledge as to what might be done to make it run with the best FPS/smoothest STOL control performance possible in the mean time. :idea:

    BTW, Cliff: "Washabamagie" sounds familiar, but I can't recall where it is located and where the install files might be found; could you fill me in on that one? Thanks for your help! 8)


  11. Skinny Puppy's wife asks for help to "detect" if Puppy had spent the family’s savings with "wreckless abandon" by turning off crash detection in FS9, and then after buying a grand in add-ons for it, he abandoned FS9 by not re-installing after his latest crash and rebuild! :shock:

    At Mrs. Puppy's request, Sgt. Joe Friday now performs a "pat-down" search on Larry every time he leaves the house to go to the "Boy's Section" of the store, to be sure he doesn't have a credit card with him! :oops:





  12. Thanks Gary. I just changed my _img.bgl and going off to test it. Also, I have Vancouver + in FSX, but I don't think it's coverage includes the Emma Field area, does it?

    Hi OJ:

    The Vanc+ coverage area does not cause the artifacts we see when Emma Field 2004 is ported over to FSX with SP1; in fact the rendering of the airfield with the original RTM "out-of-the-box" version of FSX was rather bizarre. :shock:

    Thankfully, ACES appears to have restored some measure of retro-compatibility to the code in SP1 so more can be seen of Emma Field 2004. However, as you can see, even after the airport area flatten will be restored, there will still be numerous FSX compatibility issues that can only be addressed by a totally new version of Emma built for FSX. :idea:

    The very best way to enjoy Emma Field 2004 is in FS9... with all its delightful ambiance of sights, sounds, animations etc.. :!:

    IMHO, Emma Field just wouldn't have all its familiar charm in FSX without these; I hope the "new old development team" can adapt all these environmental special effects to the FSX "Simobjects" engine, and test it thoroughly. If that FSX AI engine's FPS throughput just won't cut it, then the FS2004 IntelliScene engine and Emma Field object models must be retooled to run in FSX with a minimal polygon/minimal FPS load methodology as in FS9, allowing us to enjoy the Emma Field we all know and love in FSX! :roll:

    Certainly some changes might be expected to have occurred over 5 or so years even at a rural Washington airfield run by a "highly independent thinker" such as Fritz Deter might be; but I would sure like to see most of 'my beloved' familiar setting and effects intact when the new Emma Field for FSX arrives! :P

    But I hope that providing a means to get a rudimentary port of Emma Field 2004 over to FSX will allow newcomers and others who are only running FSX to have a chance at discovering the magic of being at Emma Field, and then join us at the EFFC as we all await a new Emma Field for FSX from FSAddon! :wink:


  13. That was excellent, Pups! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And so true to how things go, as well. :P

    Even in the experiences of those of us who have yet to "tie the knot", we are all subject to that dis-proportionality of expectations on the part of the ladies in our lives. :shock:

    There's gotta' be more story lines in this topic; ...I'll look forward to seeing another hilarious installment from the Pupmeister on this one soon! :wink:


  14. Hi Brad:

    I don't use Vista, but you might want to look into this AVSIM thread and read Phil's Blog to see if you can learn more about this scenario:


    On fellow named "sargeski" seems to have resolved some initial problems in his later posts; you might want to study what he did and in what sequence... most folks seem to have experienced no problem and some general improvement with FSX overall.

    Possibly some other folks might have a better track on these issues since they do not apply to my computer memory configuration nor to my WinXP Pro OS environment.

    Probably best to post this question in the SimFlight "FSX - Flight Simulator '10' Forum"


    And/Or at AVSIM's MS FSX Forum:


    Hope this helps! :D


  15. Hi Brad:

    Only had a moment to post this right now, but have you downloaded and installed the Vista patch just released?


    It probably will solve the out of memory (OOM) problem based on followup posts in the AVSIM forums about this after applying the patch... regardless of the issues still outstanding with Vista video card drivers; its certainly worth a try.

    Hope this helps!


    PS: I just love your new avatar icon... reminds me of myself way too many hours of the day! :mrgreen:

  16. Hi, is it a way to disable some files in 'Emma Field' map's so it's more compatible with 'Ultimate Terrain' ?

    The 'Lake Cushman' look bad with the water up on the hill! If I move UT above Emma it's fix that, but is it some LC in the scenery map's I can move out and have in a layer above UT so only the close surrounding around the airfield is intakt?

    Hi GAK:

    Please excuse me if I misinterpret what you meant as I edit your post for the other English-speaking viewers here: :roll:

    Hi, is there a way to disable some files in the 'Emma Field' scenery so it's more compatible with 'Ultimate Terrain' (UT) ?

    'Lake Cushman' looks bad where the water textures creep up onto the hillside!

    If I move UT above Emma Field in the FS Scenery Library user interface it fixes that; but is there some LC (Land Class) BGLs in the scenery textures which I can move out of their default location and have in a layer above UT, so only the textures closely surrounding the airfield are displayed?

    Yes, there is a procedure to do this which was first used to allow the Emma Field airport and runway textures to display on top of the MegaScenery Pacific Northwest (PNW) photorealistic textures. :)

    To do this, in My Computer > Windows Explorer, browse to the {FS install path}\Lago\Emma Field\Scenery folder, then simply re-name "Emma_IMG.BGL" to Emma_IMG.BGL.bak (or other non-BGL 8.3 file extension such as "Emma_IMG_BGL.old" etc.).

    NOTE: Although most of us would rather enjoy Richard Goldstein's gorgeous hand-painted photorealistic scenery textures wherever possible, doing this to allow display of the FS default terrain texture tiles does work safely with no adverse effects in FS at Emma Field. :idea:

    It also works with other FS9 GeoRender sceneries by re-naming the " *img.BGL " file in the \Scenery subfolder associated with that particular add-on scenery which includes photoreal textures produced by him through Lago, FSAddon or via his own direct Georender distribution system. I am not sure about what photoreal BGL names are used by Georender in FSX as yet, but the same re-naming procedure for the photoreal BGL(s) should work in that version of FS as well (not that one would really want to... except in highly unusual circumstances). :wink:

    You may be interested to know that an Emma Field Scenery Terrain Enhancement Project (code named "EF-STEP-1") will soon make available a fix for the problems you are describing above at Lake Cushman in Emma Field 2004.

    In addition, previously reported problems with the waterfalls when Emma Field 2004 is loaded with terrain mesh higher than FS default and a TMVL setting above 19 can be resolved with "EF-STEP-1".

    NOTE: FS2004 default USA terrain mesh at Lilliwaup is a low resolution 611.5 meters (measured on the ground between neighboring elevation data points) with a FS Level Of Detail at "6" (LOD6).

    (Smaller intervals in meters between data points and higher LOD numbers (ex: 38.2 meter / LOD10 can represent the terrain more accurately than the FS2004 default mesh).

    The nearby Olympic Mountains are also not as well represented in the default FS2004 (FS9) terrain mesh when compared to other Washington locations: Mt. Baker-North Cascades, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Adams all at 152.9 meters / LOD8, and Mt. Rainier at 76.4 meters / LOD9.

    (By contrast, only Mt Rushmore in South Dakota, Hoover Dam in Arizona-Nevada, and Niagara Falls in New York-Canada appear represented in FS2004 as 38.2 meter / LOD10 default terrain mesh; and reportedly, aside from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Athens, Greece, and 1 location in Australia all at LOD10, there are very few locations with higher than LOD8 or 9 terrain mesh in the default FS2004 world.

    Additionally, with "EF-STEP-1" the Emma Field 2004 scenery area can be further enhanced and integrated with a surrounding high resolution terrain mesh; other enhancements to that FS9 scenery are also under consideration for inclusion in a release for the near future.

    Last, but not least, an FSX-compliant flatten will be released soon to allow the Emma Field airport area to be displayed more normally when installed in FSX (although the Emma Field FS2004 and FSE sounds, animations etc. will not be available in FSX, as it only allows a "rudimentary" version of Emma to be loaded and used in that version of FS).

    Hope this helps! :D


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