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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Bill:

    Yes, the Emma Field WaterFall "TMVL anomalies" and Lake Cushman shoreline misalignment and "water creep" issues with higher resolution 3rd party add-on FS terrain mesh should be resolved soon in the Emma Field Scenery Terrain Enhancement Project (code-named "EF-Step-1"). :idea:

    The solutions originally implemented for the FS2004 environment should port over and work in FSX as well. :wink:

    This would thereby give us a means of flying around Emma Field 2004 in the geo-corrected and higher-resolution terrain mesh world of FSX, as we all look forward to buying a brand new Emma Field specifically made for FSX from FSAddon! :P


  2. I'll try to put together a definitive list this weekend.

    Thank you for your Emma install guide.

    You're quite welcome, Phil; just a small token of my appreciation as an end-user for the many cherished Bill+Phil sceneries! :lol:

    As for the list of required 3rd party objects: no rush; I figured the way you and Bill work with a large central repository of FS libraries that identifying the ones used would take a bit of sorting out and that was why it wasn't in "Revision 1" of the Readme file. :wink:

    Seems to me I saw a utility somewhere recently that could inventory and report the BGL and MDL related file dependencies for FS scenery object libraries and textures. I'll look around to see if I can find something of this type; we could all use that kind of thing at one time or another! :idea:

    [ EDIT: Check these utilities out! http://library.avsim.net/search.php?Sea&Go=Search ]

    Take Care... and "happy hunting" ! :D


  3. Hmmm - does EZ Scenery work in FSX?

    The BGLs it makes can be created in FS2004, and then installed and displayed normally in FSX; reportedly the GUIDs are supposed to be callable from their new locations and longer derivative GUIDs in FSX if I understand correctly. :)

    To be on the safe side, and to enjoy the "2x as many default FSX objects" (including those ported from the FS9 version), it is best to use Konstantin Kukushkin's new "Instant Scenery" version now available from Flight1 rather than Abacus; much better program with the same basic user interface as it had in EZ-Scenery. :P


    The demo does work at Emma Field (due to its proximity to Seattle as the limited usable region for scenery creation.) :!:

    Hope this helps! :D


  4. Hi Chris:

    See my discussion of installing Emma Field 2004 in FSX in this recent thread for some of the missing ground textures: :)


    To All:

    Here's a copy of a Tutorial I recently sent via PM to one of our EFFC newcomers to show them:

    How To "Port" Emma Field 2004 / Bill+Phil Scenery From FS9 Into FSX :idea:

    With FSX running (be sure it's FSX with SP1 or Emma Field will look like something out of "The Twilight Zone"!):

    1.) Click Settings, then click Scenery Library ('Settings - Scenery Library' user interface opens)

    2.) Click Add Area (Browse dialog box opens into 'FSX' install folder chain)

    2.) Browse out of the 'FSX' install folder into your FS2004 (FS9) Emma Field install folder (NOTE: default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Lago\Emma Field\)

    3.) You should see miscellaneous files and 3 folders present inside that Emma Field folder: (Scenery, Sounds,Texture; if you see them, it's the right place!)

    4.) Just click 'OK' and you will be returned to the 'Settings - Scenery Library' user interface

    5.) Again click 'OK' (There will be a pause as FSX is "Building a new database for scenery files", then you are returned to the FSX 'Settings' menu

    NOTE: FSX re-indexes the Scenery Library while still running - No FSX restart is required (unlike FS2004/FS9 which does require an 'exit and reload' sequence!)

    6.) Click Free Flight ('Free Flight' menu opens)

    7.) Under Current Location click Change ('Select Airport' dialog opens)

    8.) Under Search Airports > By Airport ID type KEWL

    9.) Click 'OK' and you will be returned to the ''Free Flight' menu

    10.) Change other flight parameters as desired (IMHO Emma Field looks best at 9:00 A.M., August 7th in FSX / 8:00 A.M. in FS9 due to its location and geographic lighting angle in the scenery!)

    Click 'FLY NOW!' and off you go into the wild blue yonder (minus Emma Field's sounds, animations, etc. which only work in FS2004/FS9). 8)

    Follow the same basic procedure as above to "Add an area" for the "Emma Field Private" and "Club House" add-ons, browsing instead for these named folders instead of the Emma Field folder.

    1.) These add-ons should be found as nested sub-folders under [FS9 install path]\Addon Scenery\ (NOTE: default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Addon Scenery).

    2.) After you "Add an area" in FSX for these sceneries previously installed (and still working!) under FS9, be sure they are located physically "on top" of the newly created Emma Field 2004 entry in the FSX 'Scenery Library' user interface (smaller priority number = higher display priority on top of other scenery layers in FSX). Move them up or down as needed to get them above Emma Field in the list.

    3.) Just click 'OK' and you will be returned to the 'Settings - Scenery Library' user interface

    4.) Again click 'OK' (There will be a pause as FSX is "Building a new database for scenery files", then you are returned to the FSX 'Settings' menu

    5.) You may have also put files from the "Emma Field Private" and "Club House" or other Bill+Phil add-ons into FS2004 in the [FS9 install path]\Addon Scenery\Scenery and [FS9 install path]\Addon Scenery\Texture folders.

    In this case, it will be necessary to 'Copy' those specific files pertaining to "Emma Field Private" and "Club House" or other Bill+Phil add-ons over into the matching folders by name and location in your FSX installation: [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\Scenery and [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\Texture. :wink:

    Be sure to check the Readme files (RTFM!), and be sure you know what files went where... when you originally installed these add-on sceneries into FS9. :idea:

    Any corrections/clarifications? Please post back here ASAP just in case I didn't check the Readmes thoroughly first. :oops: (...ME RTFM?...NAH!) :mrgreen:

    Hope this helps save Phil some extra effort after all his hard work getting the new Valley Field out to us (Bill+Phil's drinks are on me at the clubhouse, guys)! :D


  5. Hi Phil:

    Looks great! :D

    A few questions for clarity, if I may, to help us all get this loaded and configured properly for maximum enjoyment: :?:

    1.) Regarding the "missing" scenery objects many of us may be experiencing, could you tell us specifically (ex: by 3rd party FS library 'package' name) which FS "XML-type" (NOT API macro!) object libraries we need to have loaded for Valley Field, and where they might best be installed on our systems? :roll:

    { There are quite a few out there; most of us would find it a bit challenging (and a way to keep busy for days or weeks!) trying to find out which ones by trial and error. } :lol:

    2.) Also, what FSX Display > Scenery Tab > Terrain Mesh 'Resolution' and Terrain Mesh 'Complexity' slider settings did you use on your system when you defined the Valley Field WAVF-X Airport (AFCAD-type) MSL ground elevation parameters in the new "AFX" program?

    3.) Additionally, did you have any 3rd party terrain mesh installed in FSX with an internal resolution capability higher than 38 meters (ex: the FSG 10 meter FSX-compliant USA mesh product) when you defined the above "Airport BGL" ground elevation parameters?

    4.) Last but not least:

    :D I'm hoping it will work well in all situations even with the EmmaX beta that seemed to fit OK but with a dry gulch where the lake is.

    So, does that mean that you're running an early Beta of "EmmaX" from FSAddon... or another version yet to be announced? :shock:

    PS: I should soon be releasing an FSX-compliant airport area terrain "flatten" (comparable to that displayed when Emma Field is loaded in Fs2004, and NOT something made as a part of any 3rd party Airport 'AFCAD-type' BGL) made available for "Emma-ites" to assist the Emma Field main airport environment to be displayed more normally when loaded in FSX with more detailed terrain mesh add-ons / terrain mesh slider settings.

    { For those that haven't discovered this yet, a "rudimentary" Emma Field 2004 installation can be achieved in FSX so that we can all have a placeholder to fly around, as we await an even better new Emma Field for FSX from FSAddon! } :idea:

    However, an Emma Field 2004 installation will not run quite as efficiently in FSX as it does in FS9, nor will it have all the custom animations, sounds or thermals etc. that we enjoy in FS9. :cry:

    Thanks for your help with this... its good to see another fine add-on from Bill+Phil again! :P


  6. Excellent sequence, Chris! :D

    On the other hand, today I saw 3 LAGO AI aircraft jockey for position at Emma's "rural" RWY36 as I sat in a parking space admiring "DO-27 Julie" and her demure posture. :roll:

    It almost reminded me of the time my colleague and I sat at KDPA on RWY01 as everyone and his neighbor tried to get landed by lunchtime on an exceptionally warm early spring Saturday, so they could run home to take the kids to their afternoon soccer games following a frantic quick flight squeezed in after a long winter of cabin fever. :wink:

    We sat cued up behind many other frustrated airmen in their small aircraft for what seemed like an eternity, folded up inside our Lake Amphibian LA4-200 EP with the hinged windscreen doors propped in their half-open positions, baking in the rare spring sunlight, and getting but only a little benefit from our push-prop breeze. :(

    My colleague's adventurous chocolate Labrador retriever was panting drool all over us from behind in the rumble seat (yep, he always loved flying with us except for the descent to land!) :?

    We had a music CD playing over our headsets (using a very cool interface device... it would mute the music as soon as we spoke or if DuPage traffic control would talk to us on the assigned frequency, then it would slowly ramp the music back up to the desired volume setting); I guess about 1/4 of the CD had elapsed by the time we got a chance to take off! :shock:

    I thought then of how nice it was to only deal with the truly rural airfields we visited from time to time; but I must admit I wondered what it must be like for the guys getting priority clearance sitting inside their corporate jets enjoying the air conditioning! :oops:

    Who knows, if FS gets more realistic, we might experience temperature fluctuations, smells, vibration, and the feel of "rich Corinthian leather"; then I think we might enjoy flying in and out of the "Cheney Memorial" jetway adjacent to Emma in our very own flamethrowers ! :mrgreen:


  7. Hi jcon:

    Welcome to the Emma Field Flying Club (EFFC)! :D

    A new "state of the art" Emma Field specifically designed for FSX under the auspices of FSAddon (rather than the original developer 'LAGO') is still under construction :wink:, but I highly recommend that you promptly begin using the "single player" Emma Field for FS2004 (FS9) scenery which you can buy (with good customer service) here:


    Emma Field 2004 can be loaded into FSX also, but will not run quite as efficiently as in FS9, nor will it have the custom animations, sounds or thermals etc. that we enjoy in FS9.

    "Fly-ability" of Emma Field 2004 loaded in FSX SP1 (as a "static" scenery add-on) is generally less of concern, however, on a newer more powerful computer.

    I recommend using both FS9 and FSX (with SP1) for maximum enjoyment of the Flight Sim (FS) experience over the next 1 or 2 years of transition in technology for the FS programming code base, add-on resources, and hardware evolution.

    There will soon be a scenery enhancement add-on package available to integrate Emma Field for FS2004 into a surrounding high resolution terrain mesh far beyond the default low resolution terrain mesh originally shipped with FS9 which Emma was designed for in the early days leading up to FS2002. :idea:

    Also, there will soon be an FSX-compliant airport area terrain flatten (comparable to that in Fs2004) made available for "Emma-ites" to assist the Emma Field 2004 main airport environment to be displayed more normally when loaded in FSX with more detailed terrain mesh add-ons / default mesh slider settings. :)

    Be sure to explore the select Emma-related add-ons generously made available to us by various authors, and graciously kept available for download courtesy of A37Gnome (Simon Stansfield) at his "One Stop Shop: http://www.stansco.co.uk/Flight_Sim/pafileDB/index.php

    As for multi-player flying, I've kept myself too busy with other projects to try it out quite yet, but look forward to it in the future; no doubt others will be popping in here with much more expertise and advice in that area.

    But try checking out prior forum posts on that topic using the forum "Search" feature, and take some time to look through the many pages of informative, entertaining and hilarious threads in the older forum pages kindly kept available here at the EFFC Forum by our "tenured honcho and imperious leader" his Emma-nence Francois Dumas (aka "Fritz" when the spirit of his alter ego moves him!).

    PS: Watch out for the Mole hills, Wabbit holes, and Stork droppings; Uncle Elmer's Old #5 (aka "Powerhouse", E-Rations", and "White Lightning" moonshine secretly produced by the Fritz Deter family is the local virtual beverage of choice; the clubhouse bar cheese is Limberger (consumption is compulsory for a good reason!), and for some of the Virtual Pilots here the rule is "No more than 8 minutes from bottle to throttle". :shock:

    Hope that clears a few things up! :P

    Again, a warm welcome... Happy Flying! 8)


  8. Hi All:

    GaryGB (substituting for Pups), temporarily assumes once again the role as designated marketing consultant to the Emma Emporium. :D

    Pups informs me that when he finishes his computer rebuild this month, he plans to begin taking climbing tours of the various peaks around the Olympic Mountain range near Emma Field. :shock:

    He reportedly plans to expand his virtual territory by "christening" the mountain tops as only Dogs can do so well when he reaches each "Acme of his pinnacle". :oops:

    Since he does not have hands, and is diminutive in size as a virtual character here at SimFlight Forums, he would find it rather difficult to do this by himself when Wabbit is unavailable to fulfill his role as cohort in "crimes against propriety". :(

    So Pups is making available to all EFFC members interested in sharing a 'virtual adventure' in the surrounding Emma Field scenery with him, a convenient means to carry vital back country essentials for both the Pupmeister and any kind volunteers who would accompany him in his Quest. :roll:

    Pups is truly pleased to announce the availability of this new item in the onsite store to complement those in Francois' online store. :!:

    Attention Flight Simmers!!!

    Introducing the "Pups Companion Fanny Pak" (found among the "about 1,990,000" hits on Google using the search string "Fanny Pak") :idea:



    It features a "water" bottle for you (substitute Old #5 as desired), and a "water" bottle for Pups (substitute apple juice as desired); a hermetically sealed central compartment locks in the aroma of any Emma Field bar cheese, and food for Pups that might otherwise cause distress to climbers trailing along behind you. :wink:

    A free "Port-A-Bowl" is included at no extra charge so Pups doesn't have to get all that PNW debris in his teeth (does he actually have teeth?) at dinner time. :)

    Get some exercise, and see the wonderful sights around Emma Field by taking advantage of this limited window of opportunity :!:

    PS: Intended for North American residents; use only on USA FS terrain mesh! :mrgreen:

    Items ordered through the online store will be shipped via the usual free delivery by "Elite Airways" Air Freight.

    Standard EFFC Emporium Disclaimer:

    < Not responsible for condition of goods at delivery due to failed parachute deployment; beware of falling bottles! > :mrgreen:



  9. Hi Chris:

    Whoops! :shock:

    I guess it was a major goof which resulted in that "made for the cast only" tape being shown publicly! :lol:

    That was bound to make jaws drop regardless of which side of 'the pond' one resides at :!:


  10. Gary thanks for the picks; now my fanny has a 6 pak. :P

    Gone from 12 pak abs to a 6 pak fanny? :lol:

    I'm working on a "Buns of Steel, 2-Pak_Shaker Absolute Glutes Program" (limit 1 per bun); I'm climbing Mount Olympus soon plied by my trusty twin pak of Old #5.

    And yes, that "odor" is coming from the Emma Field bar cheese inside the central cool pack compartment (...just to clarify that point!) :oops: :P



  11. Hi Pups:

    Glad that worked out well for you. :wink:

    As you are re-configuring "again" (a mixed blessing sometimes!), and knowing from our prior conversations that you also hoard info like many of us do, I just gotta' recommend yet another totally awesome program for saving, organizing, searching info etc. called EverNote. :idea:

    I have huge amounts of saved web pages in "My Documents" that contain info other than the part of the thread that I wanted, and I have gotten tired of having to select, copy and save into WordPad, then pick a name, then save it etc., waiting FOREVER for windows to scan the folder which has thousands of files in it (yep, long overdue for housecleaning!).

    By selecting some or all of any webpage or window, then clicking the simple little "EverNote" icon on the Firefox address toolbar, I can send my selection immediately and automatically into EverNote for lightning fast access with a minimal footprint storage hit.

    And everything you put into the EverNote database is searchable (including handwriting and text in images via OCR in the EverNote Plus free demo or payware version!); really ingenious software.

    Its functions work in many other parts of the Windows environment as well.

    Get this: the content you saved when viewed in the scrollable EverNote user interface window looks exactly like the original when you first selected it!

    Even the payware version is inexpensive, too; very cool... and Highly Recommended! :P

    Main Page:






    Hope this helps! :D


  12. Outstanding photos! :shock:

    This really conveys the exceptional beauty and adventure to be had in the area around Emma Field... and we want to see even more! :P

    Got more pix giving us another glimpse of the "real" Emma area you'd be willing to post? :roll:

    I hope we might see additional Olympic Peninsula /PNW region adventures that you'd be willing to post about here as well! 8)

    Thank You so much for sharing your experiences with us. :D


  13. Hi Pups: (or should that be 'low Pups?)

    Sorry to hear of your crash :( .

    But I'm confident you'll get it all worked out in time! :roll:

    There is just not a substitute for a Battery Backup UPS to avoid what happened; WalMart sells an adequate unit for home use for $39. :!:

    Unrelated to your crash, but something which might help you past the P.I.T.A. Adobe nonsense which increases with each new version (as essential as Acrobat Reader USED TO BE), I'd first of all avoid Internet Explorer except when you are forced to use it by a gun against your temple, then I'd suggest using FireFox 2.x instead ...with a free plugin called Foxit Reader that also works as a stand alone app like Acrobat Reader. :idea:

    Foxit Reader is an excellent alternative to Adobe Acrobat Reader which spares you the crap that Adobe does, and actually offers features more extensive than Adobe's too.


    Highly recommended! :D


  14. Whoops, sorry Madaz... that was indeed a memorable event in the ongoing history of Emma Field!!! :oops: :D

    Now if I could just find that link to the pix of your original DHC Caribou "Front Wheel Landing" and some of the other stunts we've seen at Emma, we'd be well on our way to creating the "An(n)als" of Emma Field. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Anybody got links to more stunt pix for the EFFC archives? :roll:


  15. Hi BT:

    You are of course... referring to our EFFC virtual beverage of choice: Uncle Elmer's Old #5 (aka moonshine aka Hooch aka "E-Rations")? :roll:

    Uncle Elmer's is also available in a more concentrated form for virtual consumption as "shots" under the code name "Powerhouse", commonly ordered when one is already over-served at the Emma Field Clubhouse bar.

    This variety is often associated with Emma-ites ending up "under the bar" on the floor, then being trundled into the storeroom behind the bar and tossed on the cot there to "sleep it off".

    For some, the way that Emma Field "raises the bar" for excellence in flying and prowess in virtual drinking is seen as a tangible and observable physical phenomena (as they slowly sag off their bar stools and slip down past the edge of the bar onto the floor below!) :roll:

    And watch out for the bar cheese: its Limberger! :twisted: ...not for the timid, but essential for increasing one's "retention" and "intestinal fortitude" when doing long freight runs to Alaska, or stunt flights in CBris' acrobatic aircraft repaint du Jour. 8)

    Remember: In the real word: "8 Hours From Bottle To Throttle" :!:

    At Emma Field: "Any Time Is A Fine Time For A Flight" (even after getting "Tanked Up" a few miles south down the Hood Canal at Dexter's Bar and Grill... one of our other favorite add-ons courtesy of Dexter Thomas and scenery designer/generous guy Joe Watson). :)


    Rumor has it that Dexter's ruthlessly over-serves you, but then makes sure you are securely strapped into your plane before you make your (virtual?) flight back to Emma Field by twilight.

    If the "lights" are on at the Emma Field Runway for the "straight-in" approach, you can land there safely; if not, Fritz or Bill Dick have to talk you down on the radio! :shock:

    Not surprisingly, many a fabulous flight "like something out of a dream" is recalled by hung over pilots waking up in their cockpits... in a parking space early the next morning still down at Dexter's! :P


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