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Thank you for access to the FSUIPC7 7.0.0-beta (26 Aug 2020). May I make a few suggestions before you formalise the release?

  • The Show window should be made persistent.
  • The FSUIPC7.exe File Description property should be changed to 'FSUIPC7 for MSFS'. At present the Task Manager process name appears as 'IPC Interface and More, for MSFS' which may not be clear to users.

I have checked the following offsets as set out in offset status 0.3:

  • 0x3124 = Flight Simulator version (1 byte) MSFS = 110 for version 11.
  • 0x3304 = FSUIPC version (4 bytes) in hex 0x70000002 = 7.0.0
  • 0x3308 = Flight Simulator Release (2 bytes) gives '13' (xD) for MSFS (P3D-64 bit was 12 and FSX 8).

I hope this is useful.

  On 8/26/2020 at 11:03 AM, Scotfleiger said:

The Show window should be made persistent.


By "Show window", do you mean the main FSUIPC7 window?

What do you mean by "persistent"? Do you mean to keep it on top of other windows (when open), as we do with the console window when you check 'Force Console to Top'?



At present, you have to go to the system tray, right on icon and click show to display the FSUIPC7 window. This enables users to confirm that it is connected to MSFS. My suggestion was for the window state (show/not show) be remembered in FSUIPC7.ini so that it returns to the last selected state when FSUIPC7 is started. It does not to be always on top. 


Ah, ok. I could add this. Currently the 'show' state is determined by the auto-connection flag. If you have auto-connect set, it will always start iconised, if not set then it is shown on start-up.

  • Upvote 1

Thank You Pete and John for FSUIPC7.  My PFC Throttle Quadrant, Redbird Yoke and Rudder are working fine with one exception....rudder axis is SUPER sensitive.  Is there a setting I can adjust in the .ini file to address?

  On 8/27/2020 at 12:11 AM, N987PL said:

rudder axis is SUPER sensitive.  Is there a setting I can adjust in the .ini file to address?


Please do not cross-post (i.e. post in a topic that is not relevant to your question).

How have you assigned? Have you calibrated? Have you tried adding a 'slope'? i'f you require further help, please post a new topic (and attach your .ini).


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John  & Pete,

I suggest a new function, overall sensitivity for each axis.  Several of the aircraft are overly sensitive, especially on Pitch and Roll.  I have experimented with the curves/slopes you provide (and those now available in MSFS2020) but I have been unable to obtain  satisfactory results.  You provide settings that allow me to make a given axis MORE sensitive - for example -16383 elevator output at a joystick input of -12000.   But I would like to be  able to set Joystick elevator INPUT to 16383, with a joystick elevator output of 12000, that is joystick has LESS effect.  AFAIK this is not currently possible.   I think there is a problem in  FS2020 with oversensitivity not seen in previous versions (I have used FSUIPC in FS9 & FSX for years and it was more than adequate.)

Something called Joystick  Curves, https://www.xedocproject.com/joystickcurves.html

makes this possible,and works for me with some complexities.  It was recommended on AVSIM here:


I have a post at AVSIM that recommends FSUIPC7 for the joystick buttons, as Joystick Curves does not appear to have a way to configure the buttons.  But I would much prefer to do everything through FSUIPC7.


Thank you for getting FSUIPC for MSFS 2020 out so quickly!


  • Upvote 1
  On 9/7/2020 at 10:41 PM, Mike777 said:

But I would like to be  able to set Joystick elevator INPUT to 16383, with a joystick elevator output of 12000, that is joystick has LESS effect.  AFAIK this is not currently possible.


No, as this would mean that it is not possible to send the full axis range, which seems a strange thing to do...

joystickcurves looks interesting though.Shame its an application rather than an API! Improving the response curves to something like that used by jjpystickcurves could be added at some point in the future. However, this would be a lot of work for only a small benefit. It is something I can look into in quieter times...

Thanks for the suggestion.





You provide settings that allow me to make a given axis MORE sensitive - for example -16383 elevator output at a joystick input of -12000. 


you can do this by increasing the max calibrated value manually in the FSUIPC7.ini file, i.e. to reduce the max deflection of Aileron the line in the INI file  would show


modified to reduce the max deflection to both sides, can be as well different in either direction, would look like this


Those modified numbers will as well show up on Calibration panel. Of course when you use again the Set button to calibrate the Min/ Max positions it is used again the normal Mi/ Max value +-16380.

You can adjust as well those values when the FS is running by changing the INI file and when going into Calibration tab first using the "Reload all settings" button that will reload the settings from the INI file. By the pressing the OK button the changed INI file settings will be used,


With full Joystick deflection to the modified side



  • Like 1


Another "issue" that comes up reported by my users of APL ( A Pilot's Life ) is that they cannot pause the flight. So the problem is that FSUIPC does not detect the paused flight. Will there be a fix for this or should I try going around this?

Thank you!

Best regards
Ovidiu Ocnaru

  On 9/10/2020 at 8:44 AM, ovy1113 said:

Another "issue" that comes up reported by my users of APL ( A Pilot's Life ) is that they cannot pause the flight. So the problem is that FSUIPC does not detect the paused flight. Will there be a fix for this or should I try going around this?


Please see 



  On 9/8/2020 at 9:02 AM, John Dowson said:

No, as this would mean that it is not possible to send the full axis range, which seems a strange thing to do...

joystickcurves looks interesting though.Shame its an application rather than an API! Improving the response curves to something like that used by jjpystickcurves could be added at some point in the future. However, this would be a lot of work for only a small benefit. It is something I can look into in quieter times...

Thanks for the suggestion.




  On 9/8/2020 at 12:50 PM, Thomas Richter said:


you can do this by increasing the max calibrated value manually in the FSUIPC7.ini file, i.e. to reduce the max deflection of Aileron the line in the INI file  would show


modified to reduce the max deflection to both sides, can be as well different in either direction, would look like this


Those modified numbers will as well show up on Calibration panel. Of course when you use again the Set button to calibrate the Min/ Max positions it is used again the normal Mi/ Max value +-16380.

You can adjust as well those values when the FS is running by changing the INI file and when going into Calibration tab first using the "Reload all settings" button that will reload the settings from the INI file. By the pressing the OK button the changed INI file settings will be used,


With full Joystick deflection to the modified side




Hi Thomas, thanks for the tip! It certainly does work, and has the desired effect of reducing the overall effectiveness of the elevators and ailerons. 

John, it may sound odd, but with my venerable Microsoft Sidewinder joystick and the oversensitivity of flight surfaces, especially in the ASOBO 748 and 78X, I don't need the full range of motion for ailerons and elevators.  I never had this problem in FSX (using FSUIPC), but then again I almost never used default aircraft.  Almost always PMDG 777, 744 and 8, 737, QW 787.


  On 9/11/2020 at 9:13 PM, Mike777 said:

John, it may sound odd, but with my venerable Microsoft Sidewinder joystick and the oversensitivity of flight surfaces, especially in the ASOBO 748 and 78X, I don't need the full range of motion for ailerons and elevators.  I never had this problem in FSX (using FSUIPC), but then again I almost never used default aircraft.  Almost always PMDG 777, 744 and 8, 737, QW 787.


Understood. But no matter what the aircraft it always seemed wrong to have control axes which cannot reach the full range of the surfaces they control. I realise you seldom need those extremes, but there may come a day ...

I've always thought that the method of flattening (making less sensitive) the main areas of normal use (centre and middle ground) at the expense of very steep and sudden changes at the extremes was the best compromise.

If you draw a graph of what you achieve by chopping off the extremes, as you will be doing using Thomas's method, you'll probably find it very similar to the rather flattened centre/mid zones you get using my method, just with more movement needed. 

Of course, i suppose on some joysticks the amount of movement you have in the first place isn't really that great, so i'd concede the point there. On the other hand with a decent yoke with full fore/back, left/right movement capability such measures are definitely less needed, and probably not needed at all.




  On 9/11/2020 at 9:49 PM, Pete Dowson said:

If you draw a graph of what you achieve by chopping off the extremes, as you will be doing using Thomas's method, you'll probably find it very similar to the rather flattened centre/mid zones you get using my method, just with more movement needed. 


Pete, thanks for your thoughtful response.  But it is exactly a greater ratio of movement of the joystick to movement of control surface that I need (mainly elevators & ailerons)!  I find the airliners to be way too sensitive on pitch, even with the most flat FSUIPC curve.   If you haven't already, try flying the ASOBO 747-8 (there's a stock flight setup for landing at JFK 31L) -- I would really appreciate your input on that aircraft and other native MSFS airliners.




  On 9/12/2020 at 7:24 PM, Mike777 said:

If you haven't already, try flying the ASOBO 747-8 (there's a stock flight setup for landing at JFK 31L) -- I would really appreciate your input on that aircraft and other native MSFS airliners.


I use yoke and pedals with lots of movement, but as these are part of a Piper Arrow cockpit I wouldn't bother with an airliner. From my brief experiences with many of the aircraft (actually, 787 included) I feel that only the C152 is anything like a proper aircraft at present -- lucky for me as it's probably the closest match in performance and controls for my cockpit.

But I can understand your need for greater central control with any axes with limited movement. I'm just amazed that this can't be achieved with MSFS as it is. it does imply that the flight models are way off at present.




PMFJI, Over on Avsim a large thread of people, all of whom cannot now buy (or could not buy in the past) anything at all from the ingame Marketplace inside FS2020.

Just wanted to be sure there will be other places to purchase FSUIPC 7. Anywhere at all will almost certainly work just fine for my purchase except the Microsoft Store (which is broken for a substantial number of people, including myself).

I have little doubt Carenado has lost many sales by not putting their early add-on C182 for sale on Steam, but I digress.



Does anyone know if there is there currently a way to disable controllers in FS2020?

In FSX controls settings menu you could check or uncheck the box 'enable controllers'.

I always unchecked that box so that FSUIPC alone would set up controller parameters.

I'm not finding a way to make FS2020 disable controllers.

  On 9/13/2020 at 7:15 PM, Fielder said:

I'm not finding a way to make FS2020 disable controllers.


There's no straightforward way that I've found, but I think you might be able to "bulk clear' assignments to each controller in turn -- or possibly only by group, not sure.  i'd need to double-check that, though. Save them with Profile names indicating "cleared" so you know.



  On 9/11/2020 at 9:49 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Understood. But no matter what the aircraft it always seemed wrong to have control axes which cannot reach the full range of the surfaces they control. I realise you seldom need those extremes, but there may come a day ...

I've always thought that the method of flattening (making less sensitive) the main areas of normal use (centre and middle ground) at the expense of very steep and sudden changes at the extremes was the best compromise.

If you draw a graph of what you achieve by chopping off the extremes, as you will be doing using Thomas's method, you'll probably find it very similar to the rather flattened centre/mid zones you get using my method, just with more movement needed. 

Of course, i suppose on some joysticks the amount of movement you have in the first place isn't really that great, so i'd concede the point there. On the other hand with a decent yoke with full fore/back, left/right movement capability such measures are definitely less needed, and probably not needed at all.



I think the problem is that the effect of the control surfaces is way higher than realistic. The axis<->control surface mapping seems to be completely ok and linear if you look at the ingame movement in relation to the axis. But the aircraft reacts too sensitive when the control surface is just slightly moved.

  On 9/13/2020 at 10:17 PM, jaxx said:

But the aircraft reacts too sensitive when the control surface is just slightly moved.


I think that sort of problem used to be adjustable with a few Aircraft.CFG parameters in FSX.  It may be worth looking at the MSFS CFG files?



  On 9/13/2020 at 7:15 PM, Fielder said:

Does anyone know if there is there currently a way to disable controllers in FS2020?

  On 9/14/2020 at 8:11 AM, Pete Dowson said:

I think that sort of problem used to be adjustable with a few Aircraft.CFG parameters in FSX.  It may be worth looking at the MSFS CFG files?


Hi Pete,

FS2020 has broken up aircraft.cfg into several files The ... Effectiveness = entries are in flight_model.cfg.  However for the 787 and some other "premium" aircraft these files are hidden and apparently considered proprietary -- no doubt because PMDG & Quality Wings are dying to use their tunings (??!! 🙂). 

I thought more about your comments on the control issue -- perhaps you might consider adding flatter slopes to FSUIPC.  If the flattest is now 15, maybe up to 20 or even 25.


I've found that you can set up a controller profile with only buttons assigned - no control surfaces.  You might have to assign at least one button to get the controller profile to be accepted.  Also, what happens if you just select "Keyboard" on the  "Controls" menu?   Also, when you save a controller profile I think it is assigned a new name -- so you can try choosing "default."  FS2020 doesn't recognize my ancient joystick by default - if it recognizes yours by default just edit it to remove all but one entry.


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