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Everything posted by futureboy

  1. This all well and nice. However, the poor saps that bought through Steam/Dovetail are still waiting for the hotfix. Sad but true I was correct in predicting that the service pack would be released before Steam/Dovetail releases the hotfix. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and fork over another $30 US in order to buy a game that works.
  2. I have not played KLAX much because I have the Steam Edition that does not have the hotfix yet, (but it has only been about three weeks, and I must be patient) and get too many penalties for exactly what you are experiencing. I have even tried using 24R for landings and 25L for takeoffs and get penalties when the plane is lined up and waiting on 25L and a plane lands on 24R. I have not tried using just one runway for landing and takeoffs. As far as KPHL goes, the only problem I have had is when I substituted my own schedule (actually Henrick Norgaard) for the default schedule. See: I have not experienced this phenomenon with the default schedule for KPHL. Hopefully others with the hotfix from the developer will respond with their results. RickyJ
  3. And which airport, please. RickyJ
  4. Spoiler Alert: I don't really know where to post this, but for those of you that bought Tower!3D and do not have Tower!2011, you can just buy Nyerges Real Traffic and Dick's Schedule Creator will work for KPHL and KLAX (only two that I tried) and generate a schedule.txt file that can be placed in the appropriate extensions folder as outlined in other posts in this forum. No fancy insignia, but is does allow you to control the amount of aircraft per hour. Thanks Dick RickyJ
  5. Okay, now I'm starting to even see more, now that I've gotten myself all hyped up. The weather with the fog and the rain (where are those wipers when you need them) and the thunder and lighting the sun rising and setting and the glare of the sun (probably some real technical fancy name for that sun glare other than sun glare). I don't remember seeing that in the previous games. The spacing (sometimes) of incoming flights, not having to vector them when landing or departing (maybe a nice future choice). " I'm so excited, and I just can't hide itI'm about to lose control and I think I like itI'm so excited, and I just can't hide it " The Pointer Sisters RickyJ
  6. I would have to vote for Tower!3D. Not only over Tower!2011 or Tracon!2012 or ARTCC!2013, whoops the third sim never came out, sorry ;-) What with point and click commands, and not having to type or talk to your computer. It gets kind of embarrassing when you are talking to your computer at work. Plus I'm not getting any younger and tend to forget all the commands. Not to mention forgetting what command I was looking for while going through the list of commands. Seeing the planes get pushed back, and roll out to the runway and take off. Seeing the jet engine heat exhaust. Watching the service vehicles run around and the ramps move in and out. Hearing the screech of the tires as the planes land. Listening to the engines roar as the planes takeoff and gain speed. Being able to follow the planes as they land or takeoff. Sorry another whoopsie, I forgot that feature is going away (F1) :-(. Plus probably a dozen or so other subtleties I have not discovered yet. Plus, it can only get better from here!!!!!!!!!! Thank you FeelThere, Hugs and Kisses, RickyJ
  7. No, I was not saying that FeelThere will take months to release the SP, I was saying that it will take Dovetail months to incorporate the SP for updates. In fact I am willing to wager, $29 US that FeelThere will release the SP before Dovetail releases the HotFix. I just should have known better that to buy anything from Steam where Dovetail is involved and purchased the sim directly from the developer. RickyJ
  8. Yes I did and I am regretting it ever since. It has been two weeks since FeelThere released the hot fix to those that bought the game through BMT and Steam/Dovetail has yet to release it. If it takes this long and it still has not been released, you can expect the Service Pack to take months and I do mean months, if ever at all to be released by Steam/Dovetail. It is a good marketing plan to release the software through your own site and Steam because those people that buy it on Steam will end up buying it again on the developer site. One program for the price of two. RickyJ
  9. Well you can try running the file as administrator if you have Windows 10. Or you can open an administrative command prompt window, change to the Tower 3D directory and type in the command: tower3d.bat or tower3d.exe -logFile game.log Any errors encountered will show in the window. Administrative command prompt window: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=administrative%20command%20prompt%20windows%2010 Change to the Tower 3D directory. If you have the Steam version the command would be: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Tower 3D" You must use the quotes, because of the spaces in the directory path and special characters. If you are running the FeelThere version, someone else will have to tell you which directory it is. It may be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tower 3D" To digress, this brings up an interesting point. If your OS has to be 64 bit to run the game, why is the program n the Program Files (x86) directory and not the Program Files directory. DOH! RickyJ
  10. According to Scott Barker at Dovetail "There's nothing to announce at this time for when an update will be released." Ticket ID: HIO-848-59734 Department: General Type: Issue Status: Awaiting response Priority: Normal Fri 6/17/2016 4:04 AM In other words, regretting buying through Steam! But a response from FeelThere was: "We are doing our best to get it pushed out asap." So now I am confused because earlier it was said "We sent the build to Dovetail so you need to ask them.". Which to me means that FeelThere does the fixes and Dovetail at their leisure, if at all will update the Steam users. For those of you familiar with other Dovetail products like the choo-choo one, you know Dovetail never patches, they are only concerned with new DLCs for people to purchase and raking in more money. If they do patch anything it is to remove the scenario completely that is troublesome, like the Donner Pass Scenarios. But I digress. Anyway, back to the confusion as to who for Steam is responsible for the updates to be pushed out. It is perfectly clear that FeelThere is the developer and makes all the fixes, but do they just pass them off to Dovetail or does FeelThere work with Dovetail to implement them through Steam. I am unable to get a refund from Steam because I have gone a little over the 2 hour, 14 day return policy by 152 hours and 4 days, but I will wait for the Pro version to come out and buy directly from FeelThere through BMT. It was only $30, which is one-twentieth of the hundreds of dollars I have spent on choo-choo DLCs. Somebody once calculated that if you bought all the choo-choo DLCs it would be over $4000. This is of course unless you wait for the Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring or other sales where the average price is 50-percent off. Okay, venting finished, Hugs and Kisses, RickyJ
  11. The penalty looks like it occurs when both planes are on the ground. It is a "Runway Alert!" between AWE729 which is landing and RPA3359 which is taking off. It may just be coincidental, but this has never happened with the default aircraft I do have a couple hours or so invested in the SIM. RickyJ
  12. I have stopped using the KPHL substitute files and have not experienced any problems. I will try again.
  13. One problem I have encountered is that you get a 500 point collision penalty if you try to take off from 9L and land at 9R at the same time, I have the Steam version so it will be months before Dovetail releases the hotfix..
  14. What about the people that purchased this through Steam?
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