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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, did you check the WideFS User Guide.pdf that comes with WideClient.zip file? Page 7: FSUIPC Button Programming for Client Buttons Thomas
  2. Hi, that means you calibrated in FSUIPC the axis? If so you can manually change the the calibration to higher values your control will never reach. I.e. when calibrated in FSUIPC you will a line like this in FSUIPC INI file Rudder=-16384,-512,512,16383/24 Now to make it less sensitive you increase the end values to make sure the controller axis cannot reach it and you have more control over a smaller range, i.e. Rudder=-25384,-512,512,25383/24 Thomas
  3. Hi, can you please show the FSUIPC5.log file after session fully closed. Thomas
  4. Hi, did you unzip the installer first into a folder? Do you use latest installer Install_FSUIPC5124.zip ? And run in any case as Administrator. Thomas
  5. Hi, it sounds like you use an add-on AC like PMDG which save a big amount of data, not controlled by FSUIPC. As said already, for those add-on AC's it is best to don't use AutoSave. Thomas
  6. Hi, did you run the FSUIPC Installer with Administrator privilegs, right click on it and select 'Run As Administrator'? Thomas
  7. Hi, that's correct. FSUIPC5.124 with latest DLL version FSUIPC5.124a after full installation. Please not that FSUIPC5 requires a new licence key from SimMarket as any earlier version registration key does not work. Thomas
  8. Hi, are the controllers not recognized or not functioning as setup previously (FSUIPC4)? Are they working with a default AC? Thomas
  9. Hi, works OK here, FSUIPC5124a, in both PDK modes (UsePDK=Yes and UsePDK=No). Seems to be something on your side, 0x0BDC with 4-Byte length. Thomas
  10. Hi, FSUIPC for FS9 / FSX + FSX-SE + P3D -v3 / P3Dv4 is only delivered in one version. It doesn't differ between private or commercial use, the only difference between a registered version is the user facilities which are not available in a non-registered version. So private or commercial is the same registration (price) as private and the same product. Thomas
  11. Hi, just copy the FSUIPC4.ini file into the P3Dv4\Modules\ folder and rename it to FSUIPC5.ini. Thomas
  12. Hi, multiple applications can be on the FS PC or on the client PC and communicate with FS or each other via Offsets. Thomas
  13. Hi, when Sim-Avionics uses FSUIPC to interface with FS then that will work on the FS PC direct via FSUIPC or on a Client PC via WideClient (installed on the Client PC). All Applications connect to FSUIPC or WideClient if they use that Interface, but FSUIPC does not connect to other Applications. Thomas
  14. Hi, there is no problem with that but FSUIPC does only see 32 buttons per controller. In FSUIPC5.ini file change this line to Yes [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes When you have the first controller setup in FSUIPC the second controller cannot be connected to the same USB port as when the Bodnar bords don't have different names they are seen as the same. So make sure you have both Bodnar boards connected. Also make sure you use latest FSUIPC5 version, FSUIPC5.124a, from download section. Thomas
  15. Hi, as you can see in the content of the If you cannot see the DLL.txt file there is nothing about a DLL.txt file. It only describes what to do if you don't see the file extensions), here dll extension. Also the zip file doesn't contain a DLL.TXT file. You might have misread something. Actual file version is WideFS7141.zip Thomas
  16. Hi, actually on the same PC but inside WideClient in a different classinstance. Just to confirm you use FSUIPC5.124a ? Thomas
  17. Hi, you place it in the [General] section. I forgot I have that line still in, that's why your code worked here OK. Thomas Later: Just tried with UsePDK=Yes and it works OK as well, shows the correct FPS rate.
  18. Hi, your code works correct here with FSUIPC 5.124a in P3Dv4.2 and WideClient 7.141 Thomas
  19. Hi, if you go to Key presses tab in FSUIPC and set a key and select in the drop down 'Heading Bug dec' or 'Heading Bug inc' that would do what you are looking for, if it is a default AC (you didn't state what AC you want to do this for). Thomas
  20. Hi, did you try as well without ObjectPlacer and /or SpadNext and leaving FSUIPC5 active? Did you update or complete install P3Dv4.2? If updated, did you update more than only the Client (Content should be as well updated)? Thomas
  21. Hi, think about how should FSUIPCClient.dll know that there is a change without reading it. The check if there is no change and no further action should be done is in your hand only. Thomas
  22. Hi, first make sure you use latest Install_FSUIPC4974.zip and after installation with the replaced DLL from FSUIPC4974b.zip Please also send your FSUIPC4.log file. Thomas
  23. Hi, the Jeppesen chart you use might be uptodate where MakeRwys reads the used data in FSX/P3D and they are mostly very old. So the MagVar is out of date and Depending on location it can be couple degree. Thomas
  24. Hi, you will need to send then the Runways.txt (MakeRwys log) file and the MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg file for more information. Pleas zip and attach them. Thomas
  25. Hi, as said that is the simple and current solution, inhibit the the axes you want via a Lua script. Thomas
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