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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, latest installer FSUIPC5.122 works correct. If you use the same installer it will be on your end, maybe the graphics driver is not up to date with your Windows (updates). Thomas
  2. Hi, why trying to read the FSUIPC location from the logfile that is located in that folder? Also the FS location is given some lines later in the logfile, just add \Modules. The usual way is to check Offset 0x3E00 Thomas
  3. Hi, omly couple early versions of FSUIPC5 worked with P3Dv4.0and as P3Dv4.1 was released then FSUIPC5 started to support only newer P3dv4.1 (and later). That means to buy a registration key of SimMarket for FSUIPC5 you need to update your P3D4.0 to latest version, minimum P3Dv4.1. Thomas
  4. Hi, when you look at the FSUIPC5.log file you attached above you can see that all modules of P3D are actually 4.0.xx, included the exe file. Best is to follow exactly LM's Install/Update manual. Thomas
  5. Hi, did you place the MakeRwys.exe in main FS folder to run it from there? i.e. YorDrive:\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\ Thomas
  6. Hi, as many times already answered to the same problem and clearly stated in the manual FSUIPC5.122 is not compatible with P3Dv4.0, only with P3Dv4.1. Please update your P3D to LM's latest version P3Dv4.1 (or later). Thomas
  7. Hi, as always some information like FSUIPC5.log is needed as a minimum please. Using latest FSUIPC5.xxx doesn't mean anything. FSUIPC doesn't send or report any data to other software, it provides Offsets with values in Memory. Third party software, like the ACARS software you use, reads those values from Offsets defined with length and type in those software. As long the software reads the correct Offsets as correct type and length it should get the correct value. The Offsets for the Fuel Quantity that are used by the software and its converting mathed you need to list here as information as well. An Offset for In-Flight-Refuling is not provided by FSUIPC, it will be some mathed provided by your ACARS software. Thomas
  8. Hi, works ok if correct set. Make sure you use latest supported FSUIPC5 and not any earlier. Install_FSUIPC5122.zip Thomas
  9. Hi, as I replied already there is no Offset available in FSUIPC for that. Also as said if you use add-on AC's you might find a SDK of the manufacture that can help. Ifly 737 is an add-on and you might ask in their forum or support if such a function is supplied. Thomas
  10. Hi, there is no Offset for a switch position as it depends on the instrument / gauge used in the different default AC's and add-on AC. You need to check the LVars of those instruments or SDK's for add-on AC's. You can then use those information with a Lua script to read the i.e. switch position and write it to free User Offsets for your hardware. To find more information about LVars please check the Manual. Thomas
  11. Hi, the beginning of my response was related to: Anyway no worries it will work without any trouble. I run here as well all different FS on one PC, FS9 / FSX-SE / P3Dv3.4 / P3Dv4.1, with its FSUIPC versions. You cannot run (started to fly) two FS at the same time on one PC, i.e. P3Dv3 and P3Dv4. Thomas
  12. Hi, you need to copy the Goflight DLL from their software into the \Modules\ folder. 1. This version supports the same GoFlight devices as FSUIPC4. You need to download the GFDEV64.DLL from the Download Links subforum in the FSUIPC Support Forum, and place it into the P3Dv4 Modules folder. Thomas
  13. Hi, same for FSUIPC as FSUIPC4 is for FSX - P3Dv3 and only working with those, where FSUIPC5 works only with P3Dv4 (64Bit). Also the FSUIPC-Installer of each version cares only for its supported FS versions. Thomas
  14. Hi, just increase your FS versions check up to value 12 as P3Dv4 returns for Offset 0x3308 value 12. But also see below Offset 0x3308 is not 4 byte (int32) but it is 2 byte (int16, short), so you read for FS_Version Offset 0x3308 & 0x330A. Thomas
  15. Hi, I don't see anything wrong in that code snip. Do you check on Initialize the FS version maybe and your array is too small as it needs to be increased for P3Dv4 if you work with P3Dv4? 1 = FS98 2 = FS2000 3 = CFS2 4 = CFS1 5 = reserved 6 = FS2002 7 = FS2004 “A Century of Flight” 8 = FSX 9 = ESP 10=P3D 11=(???) 12=P3Dv4 Thomas
  16. Hi, 1) that's correct, as well the time before looking for clients. Are both PC's in the same usergroup and domain? Using ServerName= or ServerIPAddr= Prefered is the ServerIPAddr Thomas
  17. Hi, the code you show has nothing to do with FSUIPC at all. The problem is related, as it says, to the data type or structure you use for the requested information. Btw - for using DotNET languages like C# there is the perfect Library by Paul Henty that will make you an easy life ! Thomas
  18. Hi, 1. you didn't install latest P3Dv4.1, you have installed P2Dcv4.0 2. you installed FSUIPC5.122 but that doesn't work with P3Dv4.0 You need to update to or install P3Dv4.1 to use latest FSUIPC5.122 Thomas
  19. Hi, the first problem is that there are no information. You always need to attach the relevant Log files, in your case the FSUIPC5 Install.log and the FSUIPC5.log files. Both are located in the \YourP3DFolder\Modules\ folder. Thomas
  20. Hi, WideClient doesn't delete the WideClient.ini file or parts of it but for this part it sounds more like a Anti-Virus software deletes the INI file and WideClient will of course create then a new fresh one. Get first one side fixed before going to FSUIPC. Thomas
  21. Hi, under Controls on bottom left 'Others'. Thomas
  22. Hi, do you mean by this to run programs with "Run as Administrator" option or your user account has administratot privilegs? To run the installer with administratot privilegs you right click on it and the, normally, second option is "Run as Administrator". Thomas
  23. Hi, you can neither lend/ borrow or sell/ buy a privat FSUIPC licence to or from someone. FSUIPC is exclusive sold by SimMarket only. If someone is using your licence, aggreed with you or not, that is pirated use. Thomas
  24. Hi, you need to show the both files, FSUIPC4.log and FSUIPC4 Install.log. Thomas
  25. Hi, yes you have to buy a new registration key for FSUIPC5 as it is a new product developed for the new P3Dv4 64 Bit version you bought. WideFS7 is not new developed for FSUIPC5, it's key you bought for to use it with FSUIPC4 will still work using it with FSUIPC5. Thomas
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