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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hey Brad:

    Uh-oh... Wouldn't want Pups to get "A Noid" :mrgreen:

    Hmmm... NOID: :roll:

    NOID - Wabbit's way of saying "Nerd"

    NOID - Notice Of Intent to Deny (a foreign adoption)?

    NOIDS - Notifications Of Infectious Diseases?

    NOIDS - Name of a Louisiana USA rock band; their byline: "Slamming Punk Rock Back Into Your Crack Pipe Since The Year 2000"?

    NOIDS - Slang word for paranoia; ex: "Man, that pot brownie gave me some serious 'noids!"

    Or worse yet, the dreaded "NOID" from the 1980's Domino's Pizza Commercials: :lol:



  2. Hi Ed:

    Things are indeed a bit slow on the multi-player server here in between formal fly-ins. :)

    I'm sure we all are looking forward to seeing a new Emma Field for FSX when it is ready, and also that we'd all rather have Holger and Bill take their time to be sure it is not only as full-featured as was the FS2004 version, but with some great FSX-specific enhancements as well! :wink:

    In the mean time, if you haven't see this discussion, there is a way to get a rudimentary Emma Field 2004 placeholder installation into FSX (with some minor ground texture anomalies and no animations or sounds): :idea:


    I have made a flatten with autogen exclude for the main airfield area to eliminate some other objectionable terrain and "custom autogen" tree transparency anomalies which appear in FSX (particularly after SP2 is installed); I will try to make an exclude BGL for the trees over at Lake Cushman sometime soon as well. :roll:

    Download the Emma Field 2004 FSX airfield "partial fix" zip file here: :arrow:


    PS: Be sure to see Francois' Multi-player Server Thread here:


    PPS: Have you seen Larry's Tutorials? ( the 2nd one has the latest info on accessing the Emma Field multi-player server):



    Hope this helps! :D


  3. Hey Brad:

    If I might offer a 3rd party interpretation of what Pups meant, I think he was just -in his usual good-nature -adding his own humorous experience to the thread and agreeing that it is important to keep the wife happy. :idea:

    Correct me if I'm mistaken Larry, but I think you probably meant to say something to the effect of "It’s also important to watch one's words very carefully when it comes to matters involving the ladies in our own lives (...or the ladies in others' lives!).

    I believe he meant "in general", and was not implying anything about the wording you used in your post, Brad. :wink:

    KEWL? :roll:

    PS: OK, gotta' razz Pups a bit here... (it's good to exercise one's sense of humor during the "late Winter doldrums" here in the Midwest isn't it?)

    Ahem... Choice of words recently been influenced by anything in the water you've been drinking Larry? (just kiddin'!) :lol: :lol: :lol:


  4. The virtual healing touch of Officer Barbie (who had been studying Massage Therapy in her spare time) had the surprise influence of resetting Wabbit's psyche back to its... er... "normal" state. :wink:

    Feeling his mischievous self again, and inspired by Officer Barbie's Easter fashion show, Wabbit goes out to shoot some "X-billiards" with a few of those leftover "eggs" from Fritz's Easter Egg hunt yesterday! :mrgreen:



  5. That was excellent Pups! :lol: :P :mrgreen:

    Hmmm... Uh-Oh: now ya' got me thinking of an illustration based on the story! :wink:

    Good to see the Pupmeister (and the "usual suspects") back in the swing of things again! :D

    {Back To The Drawing Board Near Seattle}


  6. Hi Redhawk:

    Welcome to the Emma Field Flying Club (EFFC) Forum ! :)

    Most folks here would recommend purchasing the Emma Field 2004 package from simMarket:


    I don't believe there are any trial versions of Emma Field 2004 that exist on the internet, but I can tell you that you will likely find it to be one of your best investments if you enjoy VFR GA and/or "bush" flying.

    I also think you'll find that the people here are a very good community to be involved with; I don't believe you'd go wrong purchasing a copy of Emma Field 2004! :idea:

    You can get immediate access to the multi-player server and use the built in multiplayer features of FS2004 (FSHostClient in FSX) and TeamSpeak on the Emma Field Forum server compliments of our gracious host Francois Dumas (aka "Fritz"!), and one of us can help you get up and flying quickly. :wink:

    Francois is also familiar with the operations of the simMarket retail channel linked to above, and occasionally answers questions for prospective Emma Field purchasers when he has time; otherwise his friend and associate Miguel should be able to answer any questions about purchases at:


    BTW: Emma Field 2004 was built for, and it looks and works best in FS2004. :!:

    If you are an FSX only user, a marginally acceptable, low-FPS, feature limited port without sounds or animations can be achieved in FSX to use as a rudimentary "get-acquainted place-holder" while one awaits the new FSX-compliant version of Emma Field being developed for release by FSAddon:


    (see the screenshots of the beautiful Olympic Peninsula PNW area surrounding Emma Field in the upcoming FSX version): :arrow:


    Here's hoping you will join us sometime soon; there's a lot of fun to be had here! :D


  7. Hi Bill:

    Is this in Vista or XP? :roll:

    Also, have you seen these threads: :idea:










    A recurring theme involves McAffee security applets still running in Task Manager after they are "apparently" turned off; killing the processes allows SimConnect to work and the Add-ons menus entry in FSX to re-enable for some. Also, adding the FSX.exe file to the security app's exclusion (permisssion) list seems to solve it for others. :wink:

    Alternatively there might be initialization issues in the DLL.XML file which requires editing, followed by a restart of FSX then clicking through the permission prompts to re-certify the Instant Scenery (IS) add-on to run. :|

    A couple of additional pertinent places to post an inquiry (if you haven't tried there recently) would be...

    Pete Dowson's forum here:


    and the SimForums AFX and Instant Scenery Forum forum here:


    and the MS FSX Simconnect Forum here:


    Hope this might help! :)


  8. Hi Bill:

    So how's that tropical banana and coffee plantation comin' along? :P

    I really enjoyed seeing more of your Bushflight Northwest scenery when I finally had a chance to fly more of it during the January "Pups" Fly-in; really great work! :D

    BTW: Don't get mauled by those "dandelions"; better to make dandelion wine instead, eh? :lol:

    ...But watch out for the side effects:

    "Dandelion flowers can be used to make dandelion wine, for which there are many recipes.[5] It has also been used in a saison ale called Pissenlit (literally "wet the bed" in French) made by Brasserie Fantôme in Belgium." :shock:


    Got any new projects planned this year for us FS adventurers ? :roll:


  9. Hi Dan:

    I believe that the Bushflight Northwest accompanying ReadMe or PDF file indicates that the scenery was intended for FSX with UTX to achieve proper scenery placement. It shouldn't be too far off in FSX compared to what happens when using UT-USA in FS9. :)

    But hey, don't feel bad; I hardly ever "RTFM" either!. :lol:

    Bushflight Northwest is recommended to be used with UTX and displayed with the sliders for terrain mesh resolution at 10 meters, mesh complexity at 80%. :idea:

    For even better results flying the Olympic Peninsula which Bushflight Northwest covers, one could use more accurate 3rd party multi-LOD/QMID terrain mesh based on currently available and corrected data from the USGS that has elevation data points closer together than 30-38 meters (ex: 19 meter, 10 meter etc.).

    NOTE: Most SRTM derived source data (ex: 90 meter, 76 meter) for the USA is less accurate than even the 38 meter default FSX terrain mesh data out of the box, however thankfully it gives us access to better info than was previously available (if at all!) for many parts of the world outside the USA; in a few years, satellite technology will reportedly bring us even better data than SRTM.

    So unless a product specifies that it uses higher resolution (ex: non-SRTM) data for USA coverage where available, one might achieve less accurate results using data which has been resampled to create "artificially higher" resolution with elevation data points created via interpolation to be closer together than the original data actually had.

    Setting the FSX terrain mesh slider at a resolution higher (ex: 19 meters, 10 meters between displayed elevation data points) than its original source data resolution of 30 meters causes FSX to interpolate and create artificial data points; and IMHO, setting the mesh complexity at 100 % does not cause a serious performance hit compared to 80 %.

    However, using a minimum of the recommended terrain mesh parameters above in combination with UT-USA for FSX (UTX) will help one get maximum enjoyment out of the excellent Bushflight Northwest add-on package; many thanks to Bill Dick, Phil Cayton and Chris Brisland for a job well done! :wink:

    Hope this helps! :D


  10. Hi Francois:

    Must be caused by that ever-expanding "Pen-insular Cortex" in the PNW of the cranial vault! :shock: :wink: :P

    So many ideas, so little time (and room), eh?! :lol:

    What the heck are the so-called experts talking about spreading rumors of alcohol killing brain cells and reducing total brain mass anyway? :twisted:

    I'd rather have a bottle (of Old #5) in front of me ...than a frontal lobotomy! :mrgreen:


  11. Hi Bill:

    That was excellent! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Hmmm... "Sight Gag" comical liveries for tank trucks and semi-tractor trailers passing in and out of the Emma Field scenery seems like they'd fit right in along side the EFFC Flyers themselves: passing in and out, on or about the premises!!! :mrgreen:

    (Uh-Oh, now you guys got me chasing links again in the early morning hours before I've had any caffeine!) :wink:

    On second thought, maybe that isn't such a bad idea... perhaps I'll get less carried away! :P



    This one made me ponder (pander to?) the evolutionary heritage of EFFC members:

    "Evolution and humour

    Sight gags and language-based humour activate the two regions in the human brain known to have von Economo neurons, a specialization in neuron form that has evolved in the last 15 million years. This suggests that humour may have coevolved with the ability of great apes and humans to navigate through a shifting and complex social space."

    Reminds me a bit of the fine tradition of flight simming at at Emma Field... a bunch of really great apes (and some humans) navigating through a shifting and complex social space! 8)


    Spindle neurons, also called von Economo neurons (VENs) - Some interesting facts:

    "Spindle cells appear to play a central role in the development of intelligent behavior and adaptive response to changing conditions and cognitive dissonance. They emerge postnatally and eventually become widely connected with diverse parts of the brain, indicating their essential contributions to the superior capacity of hominids to focus on difficult problems."

    "At a Society for Neuroscience meeting in 2003, Allman reported on spindle cells his team found in another brain region, the frontoinsular cortex, a region which appears to have undergone significant evolutionary adaptations in mankind - perhaps as recently as 100,000 years ago.

    This frontoinsular cortex is closely connected to the insula, a region that is roughly the size of a thumb in each hemisphere of the human brain. The insula and frontoinsular cortex are part of the orbitofrontal cortex, wherein the elaborate circuitry associated with spatial awareness and the sense of touch are found, and where self awareness and the complexities of emotion are thought to be generated and experienced. Moreover, this region of the right hemisphere is crucial to navigation and perception of three dimensional rotations.

    I wonder if Uncle Elmer's Old #5 selectively facilitates the function of Spindle neurons in the brain. Might be some potential for advertising its virtues as an "Economo-cal" beverage of choice! :lol:

    PS: "Hominid" joke in progress: (enter your own punch lines below!) :idea:

    How many Hominids does it take to change a light bulb at the EFFC clubhouse bar?

    Oh, well, time for that caffeine! :oops:


  12. Hi Juiceman:

    Welcome to the EFFC... home to the wayward "Stream of Consciousness" type of rambling post and various other types of posts from all of us independent thinkers who like to fly, swap stories, support one another, and engage in the occasional mischievous and/or outrageous outburst (who, me? :P ).

    Hopefully you too will develop a virtual taste for "Uncle Elmer's Old #5", breakfast of some champions here before they take a nice morning flight over Washington State's beautiful Olympic Peninsula. and other far flung points out in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and Alaska. :idea:

    Oh, and watch out for the bar cheese at the clubhouse! :wink:

    Good to have you join us! :D


  13. I was able to force the FS2002 Emma to install in FS9 but am stuck there. I have two authentication codes from Lago. One of them lets me start the upgrade install but won't finish. The other one errors out.

    Hi Jim:

    We might be able to help further if you tell us a bit more about what happens when "The other one errors out". :)

    If I recall correctly, when installing Emma Field FS2004 from EMMA_Patch_2004_100.zip, one will still get the extra aircraft included which should also make for a complete package as with the Emma Field FS2002 install.

    The initial web page I show for the Emma Field FS2004 download info is:


    Again, the file you want is EMMA_Patch_2004_100.zip, and the pertinent part of the web page looks like this:

    Full - Emma Field 2004

    File: EMMA_2004_100.zip - Size: 47000Kb <--- Don't let this file name confuse you; link takes you to get EMMA_Patch_2004_100.zip :idea:

    Choose mirror: FTP Mirror HTTP Mirror

    Please login | Download allowed only if you have purchased the product.

    NOTE: After logging in, you should end up at the actual download web page here: :twisted: :wink: :lol:


    ... The section near the bottom of the page which you want looks like this: :P

    Upgrade - Emma Field 2004 Upgrade (Full install)

    File: EMMA_Patch_2004_100.zip - Size: 47000Kb <--- Yes, this is the correct file :!:

    Choose mirror: FTP Mirror HTTP Mirror

    One should uninstall the failed Emma Field FS2002 and Emma Field FS2004 installations first before attempting to install the EMMA_Patch_2004_100.zip file contents (certain leftover ViMa*.* modules from Emma Field FS2002 version will crash FS2004).

    If either of the Emma Field uninstallers fail, let us know back here and we can tell you which files and folders would need to be manually removed (not very many).

    Don't worry... it shouldn't be long until you are once again flying the friendly skies at Emma Field! :D

    [EDITED to correct the final filenames]

    PS: Watch for the new Emma Field for FSX from FSAddon too!


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