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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. On another note... I was just online with FSX! :mrgreen: I've had FSX for well over a year already and this was my 1st time online with it.

    I was totally, totally alone, so I'm going out tomorrow to buy a 50 gallon drum of mouthwash (the economy size) and around 200 packages of breath mints. :shock: Now that may work or it may not, but I'm doing everything I can think of to get others online with me. :?:

    Puppy (flying alone in Seattle)

    "You'll not wonder where other fellows went, when you brush your teeth with... Pupsodent"! :P :mrgreen:




  2. MY MESH IS A MESS and my plane got eaten up buy dirt @ PUP1. So it looks like I won't be flying in the PUP MARATHON. :? :| :|

    Hi Brad:

    See this thread for details on the Fly-in Date & Time:


    Does your terrain look like the screenies in this thread on the issues at Pup1?:


    If so, download and install the tweaked file Larry attached to his OP (opening post) in that thread;

    Look for...


    AFX_PUP1 for FSX.zip [1.58 KB] :wink:

    Let us know if you still have issues at Pup1 (Puppy Landing) after reviewing that info, Brad. :)

    Regarding terrain "mesh" issues: the water body for Lake Cushman is always going to show water creep when the Emma Field 2004 photorealistic textures are allowed to display in FSX (they were created for use only in the wacky warped world of FS2004!... not the geo-corrected world of FSX default or in FS9 on a 3rd party terrain mesh!). :roll:

    If anyone finds the effect objectionable, they can follow the procedure I outlined here to disable display of the Emma Field 2004 photorealistic textures in FSX: :idea:


    To get an improvised, possibly low "Frames Per Second" (FPS) or stuttering, "visual placeholder" version of Emma Field 2004 to fly around in FSX while we all await a sensational new Emma Field specially developed for FSX (Fritz's repair hangar and a number of other objects will always be missing when running Emma Field 2004 in FSX, and SP2 from FSX Acceleration will add a few more ground texture anomalies), try this out if FS9 has been un-installed through a "standard" Windows un-install procedure (which normally leaves 3rd party folders and files intact in the former FS9 folder chain):

    You may find that the FPS or stuttering caused by FSX incompatibilities with the SCASM custom type ground tiles, trees, and less efficient rendering of legacy format FS2Kx SDK photorealistic ground textures may be lessened somewhat in FSX by performing a simple file management procedure before starting FSX in the Emma Field install location (default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Lago\Emma Field\Scenery):

    1.) copy EMMA_DYN.bgl to EMMA_DYN.bak; delete the original EMMA_DYN.bgl <-- Eliminates dynamic scenery around Emma Field (these don't work in FSX anyway!)

    2.) copy EMMA_IMG.bgl to EMMA_IMG.bak; delete the original EMMA_IMG.bgl <-- Eliminates custom photorealistic ground textures around Emma Field

    3.) copy EMMA_STR.bgl to EMMA_STR.bak; delete the original EMMA_STR.bgl <-- Eliminates custom road around Emma Field

    4.) copy EMMA_TR9.bgl to EMMA_TR9.bak; delete the original EMMA_TR9.bgl <-- Eliminates custom thermal scenery around Emma Field (these don't work in FSX anyway!)

    5.) copy EMMA_VEG.bgl to EMMA_VEG.bak; delete the original EMMA_VEG.bgl <-- Eliminates custom tree tiles around Emma Field (but not at Lake Cushman)

    [EDIT]: If you have "linked" FSX to use your existng FS9 Emma Filed 2004 installation as in the above thread: [END_EDIT]

    To use Emma Field 2004 in FS9 again in her original full configuration, copy all the above 5 files back to their original location and filenames (with a "bgl" file extension)!

    Remembering that Emma Field 2004 looks and runs best in FS9, I hope this helps you and others continue in some measure, their enthusiasm for Emma Field via FSX, while we all eagerly await the new Emma Field for FSX from FSAddon via the talents of Holger Sandmann and Bill Womack! 8)

    Hope this helps! :D


  3. Hi All:

    The correct elevation of the Lake Cushman water body in FS9 default scenery is 217.0 Meters (711.9401 Ft.) measured at the terrain / water surface; this should not be confused with the altitude FS shows on screen which is reported at the datum point of the aircraft one is flying. :idea:

    The Emma Field 2004 water body (via the photorealistic textures) for Lake Cushman always drapes at the level of the underlying default FS9 default Lake Cushman water body and/or terrain mesh.


    If Ultimate Terrain USA (UT-USA) is used with FS9 and Emma Field 2004, UT-USA replaces the default FS2004 water body with its own.

    The UT-USA water body does not match the elevation (or shape) of the FS9 default for which Emma Field 2004 was built, and also does not match real world elevations for Lake Cushman! :shock:

    UT-USA over-rides the normal effect of the Emma Field 2004 photorealistic texture water body for Lake Cushman always draping at the level of the underlying terrain mesh.

    Where the UT-USA shape and elevation of Lake Cushman does not match the FS9 shape and elevation of that lake, any part of the Emma Field 2004 photorealistic texture "water body" area which overlaps land off the edge of the UT-USA Lake Cushman will drape over either the default terrain mesh or any 3rd party terrain mesh with higher resolution than the FS9 default.

    This scenario requires that the FS9.CFG TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL or "TMVL" setting is =19 or higher to allow the higher terrain mesh level of detail (LOD) to be displayed up to the LOD 11 / 19.2 Meter maximum.

    If a 3rd party terrain mesh with higher resolution than the FS9 default is used with Emma Field 2004 without UT-USA, the Emma Field 2004 photorealistic texture "water body" area for Lake Cushman will again drape at the level of the underlying default elevation Lake Cushman water body area on top of that surrounding 3rd party terrain mesh.

    Use of a 3rd party terrain mesh will cause the surrounding terrain mesh shape to not match that of the FS9 default for which Emma Field 2004 was built, causing "water creep" of the Emma photorealistic textures "water body" area for Lake Cushman!) :?


    I am assuming Larry set the elevation of all his scenery objects at AGL=TRUE (not an assigned MSL elevation) using the default FS9 terrain mesh only, which will make them always mesh clinging.

    AFX may require an assigned elevation in meters or feet for the superimposed runway he placed there, and it would not necessarily follow the mesh elevation unless assigned to match it.

    So, if there are apparent anomalies in the Pups Fly-in scenery, be sure first that you do not have an artifact caused by a 3rd party add-on interfering at Lake Cushman (or at the other Pups airstrips) for best results during the Fly-in! :wink:

    Hope this helps! :D


  4. I thought that when the IMG is disabled just the scenery itself is visible and the water follows the UT USA coast lines (I use UT USA together with worldwide FS Global 2005 mesh and all rivers or coastlines are correct in the Emma area).

    Hi Grisu:

    Looks like I was still editing my post immediately above when you posted this. :lol:

    The issue of solving these problems around Emma Field is not just dealing with the water creep seen when draping the custom textures over a 3rd party mesh, it is the other aspects of the scenery area as whole (Emma Field 2004 static / dynamic scenery and related 3rd party add-ons with AI traffic etc.) which must be accommodated without interference to other's creations wherever possible. :)

    3) Waterfalls: Yes, removing the water falls would solve the most awful mesh problem caused by Vertex Level=20 and the usage of my global mesh. Also I can disable the FS Global file for the Emma area because I know which one to rename.


    Disabling 3rd party mesh local to the Emma Field 2004 area certainly might work for some as a temporary solution at Lake Cushman to eliminate the water creep, since using a TMVL of > 19 itself does not cause the custom texture water creep.

    But disabling 3rd party mesh while still using a TMVL of >19 will not fix the issue with the waterfalls... which requires a different solution (provided by EF-STEP-1). :wink:


  5. Hi Gary.

    Glad to hear this!!! :mrgreen:

    Will this "patch" from EF-STEP-1 also be usable for all FS2004/FS9 users out there like me ???

    Many thanks for your efforts on this issue


    EF-STEP-1 is at this point intended for use with FS2004 (FS9), and addresses issues local to the Emma Field 2004 area when loaded into FS9 only.

    I do not anticipate that distribution will be limited to only the EFFC members (if that might be what you were wondering?). :D


  6. Hi gary.

    Found this post right now.

    Do I understand things right:

    Deactivating the IMG.BGL deactivates the ground textures and set Emma on the base ground of FS? In my case on the Ultimate Terrain (UT-USA) underground???

    Yes ("base ground" = FS9 default terrain textures, autogen and VTP features from UT-USA etc.) :)

    And putting Emma below UT USA in the scenery can solve the uprunning water at Cushman???

    No; the FS2004 world is out of alignment with the real world; all 3rd party add-on terrain mesh for FS is based on correctly shaped real world positions. :!:


    The Emma Field 2004 custom textures will normally drape over any 3rd party terrain mesh real world shape of the Cushman Hills and display "water creep".

    If the Emma Field 2004 custom textures are disabled as above, then both the Lake Cushman water body provided by UT-USA and terrain morphology from 3rd party mesh will still not be correctly positioned or shaped to accommodate the custom static and dynamic scenery ("cuts off" rather than creeps up the hillside too!).

    We must remember that Emma Field 2004 static and dynamic scenery (and related 3rd party add-ons with AI traffic etc.) were purposely developed for display within the wacky, warped world of FS9; any comprehensive solution for this scenario that is to be very compatible with the Emma Field package must be a highly customized one utilizing innovative methods which are not provided for by the FS SDK. :idea:

    [END EDIT]

    Is there also a way to remove the water falls completely, because they look awful with Vertex Level at 20... :?:

    Would I be correct that you are wanting to do this even if you don't have a 3rd party terrain mesh loaded at the time of flying around Emma Field 2004 (so you don't have to first reset TMVL back to 19 in FS9.cfg before starting FS9)?

    Hope this helps! :D


  7. Hi Grisu:

    Emma Field Scenery Terrain Enhancement Project aka "EF-STEP-1" is alive and well, yet still in development! :)

    Problems of "water creep" at Lake Cushman, and the "land bridges" at the Waterfalls with > 19 TMVL and use of custom higher resolution terrain mesh are solved, and the integration of Emma Field 2004 into the surrounding terrain of FS9 is in the works as well.

    At the moment, I am working on a high-precision FSX compliant flatten and autogen exclude for Emma Field 2004 when loaded into FSX, which hopefully might be used for the January 2008 multiplayer Fly-in (organized by EFFC's very own Skinny Puppy!) to allow FSX-only multiplayer users to participate via FSX with less distracting terrain anomalies in the area surrounding the main Emma airfield runways and taxiways. :idea:

    This of course could also be used by those who don't plan to participate in the Fly-in but merely wish to load Emma Field 2004 into FSX for interim use (in spite of the various visual anomalies they will incur) while we await a new Emma Field for FSX from FSADDON. :roll:

    As soon as that FSX compliant flatten is done, the development of the EF-STEP-1 will resume, and I will keep everyone posted on the project's progress. :D

    It's good to know folks remember EF-STEP-1 and its goals; I wish it could be ready in time for the Fly-in, but there has been much to learn both inside and outside the FS SDK to get these enhancements implemented properly. :shock:

    Of course, while careening along the sharp edge of the FS SDK learning curve, there have been some interesting additional features discovered for further enhancement of Emma Field 2004 in FS9 which are being considered to see if they might be included within a reasonable time schedule too! :wink:


  8. Hi Dexter:

    I just took a flight down to your new scenery location... looks good! :P

    Many thanks again to you and Joe for bringing this to life... this time in FSX! :D

    As far as the sound placement in FSX, take a look at the FSX (Deluxe) Effects SDK and note that there is a new function allowing sound placement:


    Also, for a good example of how well this can work in FSX, check out the ""Helgoland_Gulls.fx" and "Helgoland_Waves.fx" files used by Aerosoft in Bill Womack's excellent Dillingham scenery. :idea:


    Hope this helps! :D


    PS: NOTE TO ALL: Dexter's is currently available from the location in this thread (look for the "Dexterville.zip")...


  9. Thread Status Update:

    Over the last 3 weeks since my last post to this thread, Bob and I have on several occasions (as time permitted) evaluated via telephone, various parameters in his computer which have to do with the apparent malfunction of his video card. :idea:

    Having been a user of various ATI video cards for many years, I was familiar with many behavioral characteristics of ATI hardware and drivers, and had been increasingly suspicious of problems with the AGP hardware and software support system working properly in his computer.

    Because Bob's Radeon 9700 video card was a "powered by ATI" rather than a "built by ATI" video card from a 3rd party OEM (mfg'd. by F.I.C. and not by ATI), he therefore did not have access to support directly from ATI, and it fell to my own once extensive but rather faded memory base (in conjunction with research of these issues on the Internet!) to come up with some solutions for him. :roll:

    After multiple sessions of ATI driver removal and re-installation without success, receiving at various times DXDiag display test errors at step eight, inability to run Catalyst Control Center, or getting a panels .dll error when booting FS9, we removed all traces of of his ATI drivers from add remove programs, the registry, program files and Windows folder chains.

    Then we updated his DirectX, dot.NET and Visual C++ runtime components.

    Having found some obscure evidence and purported quotes from ATI tech support messages to end users in a couple of forums suggesting that the AGP and DirectX installation routines were not working properly in the ATI Catalyst driver revisions since version 7.7, and knowing that we had thus far been attempting to install only driver revisions newer than the 7.7 version, we then decided to attempt installing the separately downloaded older ATI Catalyst 7.7 display driver and Catalyst Control Center components.

    I also had concerns about whether there might be either misconfigured or otherwise malfunctioning modules loaded by his hundreds of aircraft and scenery 3rd-party freeware and payware FS add-ons, so we simply renamed his existing FS9 installation folder, backed up his FS9 registry entries, and reinstalled FS9 RTM followed immediately by the FS 9.1 update.

    This time FS9 started for Bob with no problems, and without any tweaking yet to the Windows subsystem or to any of the FS9 config files, Bob was able to fly over Emma Field 2004 with an average of 30 frames per second with beautiful details being successfully rendered in greater clarity than he reports having ever seen before! :shock:

    Bob and I were both ecstatic, and after finishing some minor maintenance operations transferring remaining needed components pertinent to Emma Field 2004, FSE and his GeoRender sceneries over into the appropriate locations for his new install of FS9, Bob will now have some happy flying over the New Year's Holiday. :D

    We will be able resume this thread, and our process of system optimization in the Windows subsystem followed by tweaking the FS9 configuration parameters to help him further set up his existing older Computer To Run "FS9" + Emma Field To The Max!

    PS: Merry Christmas, Bob!



  10. Santa's Vacation... Continued!

    Upon arrival, Santa heads straight to his favorite lounge :)

    Of course we know why it is his favorite lounge, don't we! :oops:

    Don't say anything about this picture to Mrs. Klaus, OK?

    Santa sends a picture postcard back to us at the EFFC freezing our butts off in the PNW :roll:

    On his way home, Santa takes the long scenic route home through the new Olympic Peninsula and PNW to admire the handiwork of all the talented FS scenery makers! :mrgreen:







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