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Tower!3D Pro Multiplayer Role Switch


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In playing multiplayer you have the tower controller (boring) and the ground controller.  The tower controller handles the arriving planes and the ground controller handles the departing planes.

My question is, at what point do you make the switch? Since the tower controller not only handles the arriving planes, but they also handle the planes until they reach their terminal.  The same goes for the ground controller, they handle the planes on the ground, can clear them for takeoff and then send them to departure.

My friend and I have decided, correct or not, to switch from tower to ground at the point the plane leaves the runway and to switch from ground to tower at the point the plane is on its way to the runway. So tower accepts the arriving plane and decides which runway to send it to and clear it for landing, once it exits the runway the plane is told to contact ground and then ground directs the plane to the terminal. Ground tells the plane to pushback and proceed to the runway.  Just before the plane gets to the runway, the plane is told to contact tower and then tower tells the plane to line for take off, clear it for take off and finally contact departure.

Any thoughts, feelings, strong religious beliefs????

Oh by the way, there is no pause button in multiplayer and if you hit the escape key you loose your connection, and I have not found anything to communicate with the other player during the game, except texting one another, so be sure to use the facilities and put down that beer.


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You are correct with your assumptions of the handover of aircraft between Ground & Tower controllers. But there are a few wrinkles around the world.

1. If an aircraft taxiing with Ground has to cross the active runway it should switch to Tower to request clearance to cross, then report runway vacated and switch back to Ground.

2. At some airports this frequency switch is negated by the aircraft staying on Ground, requesting clearance to cross, then Ground coordinates with Tower, approves the crossing, aircraft reports vacated, Ground informs Tower.

3. At a smaller number of airports permission is also required to cross inactive runways.

It has been a long time since I went to KSAN so I don't know if they use option 1 or option 2 for north side traffic.

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... "have not found anything to communicate with the other player during the game, except texting one another" ...

Has anyone used or heard of Discord (https://discordapp.com/)? I used it a bit for GEFS, but bailed because that particular server seemed to be run by 12 year-olds on the verge of a Lord of the Flies reenactment. Nevertheless, the platform seems like it would be a viable option to communicate (text and/or voice) during multi-player action, schedule/meet up for sessions, share tips & tricks, etc. The only negative that I can think of is if used on the PC it is another window/app that would have to be open - probably not good for single monitor players (they'd probably need to use the phone app). 

Any thoughts on this or other alternatives? 

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TeamSpeak is another great way to communicate with people if you have a server, or know someone who has one. I think Skype is another way that I've seen people use for multiplayer games, but it may take up some bandwidth. 

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Okay, I'll bite.

I run several Teamspeak3 servers (non-profit), for different gaming communities, so if there is an interest, I can spawn a new instance as I still have some licenses free. Before I do that there is a few things I will make clear.

  • I will not charge for the use of it in any way
  • It will be for Tower (all version), and Tracon ... basically software we discuss here.
  • It will run 24/7, but downtime will occur (Maintenance, server / firewall crash etc. It is free, I will fix it when I have time.)
  • Channels will be predefined and Static (can be expanded if required)
  • I will not provide support for how to use Teamspeak (there are plenty of guides out there).
  • I will give some of the regulars "old timers" on this forum Admin access if they ask for it.
  • The teamspeak will be protected by a password (which can be found in this forum).
  • The server will be located in Denmark.

What I'm trying to say is that it is "provided as is", no guarantees for uptime or if it goes down how fast it will be back up. It's running from my home ESX lab and contrary to popular belief I do have a life ;-)

Please indicate here if there is interest for it


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/1/2017 at 11:10 PM, winsaudi said:


You are correct with your assumptions of the handover of aircraft between Ground & Tower controllers. But there are a few wrinkles around the world.

1. If an aircraft taxiing with Ground has to cross the active runway it should switch to Tower to request clearance to cross, then report runway vacated and switch back to Ground.

2. At some airports this frequency switch is negated by the aircraft staying on Ground, requesting clearance to cross, then Ground coordinates with Tower, approves the crossing, aircraft reports vacated, Ground informs Tower.

3. At a smaller number of airports permission is also required to cross inactive runways.

It has been a long time since I went to KSAN so I don't know if they use option 1 or option 2 for north side traffic.

IRL, in the US, option 2 is used. I am not aware of any airport that uses option 1.

Edited by Sky King
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7 hours ago, Don Rafael said:


hallo suche multiplayer server chabe neu york warum kan nicht schpilen multi playe was ist das peoblem


Via Google translate German detected:
Hello search multiplayer server chabe new york why can not schpilen multi playe what is the peoblem

I think something got lost in the translation, sorry.


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22 hours ago, Sky King said:

IRL, in the US, option 2 is used. I am not aware of any airport that uses option 1.

If this for arrival taxiing or departure taxiing?  For arrivals, I know at KLAX and KDFW that the Tower keeps control until the active runways are crossed. For example at KLAX on the South complex, most aircraft arrive on 25L and have to cross 25R to get to the gate. Tower maintains control until he/she allows the plane to cross 25R and then instructs the pilot to contact ground at that time.  

Is this 1, 2, 3 or a different scenario all together?

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1 hour ago, crbascott said:

If this for arrival taxiing or departure taxiing?  For arrivals, I know at KLAX and KDFW that the Tower keeps control until the active runways are crossed. For example at KLAX on the South complex, most aircraft arrive on 25L and have to cross 25R to get to the gate. Tower maintains control until he/she allows the plane to cross 25R and then instructs the pilot to contact ground at that time.  

Is this 1, 2, 3 or a different scenario all together?

Departure. Yes, on Arrivals, you are correct that Tower maintains control until the active runways are crossed (Tower provides hold short or cleared across instructions). Thanks for the clarification!

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On 4/18/2017 at 9:15 AM, Don Rafael said:

hallo suche multiplayer server chabe neu york warum kan nicht schpilen multi playe was ist das peoblem


I believe the post is asking if there a "dedicated" server for multiplayer. To my knowledge, at this point the only way to play multiplayer is to prearrange a session with a friend. Frank (DragonWin) offered up hosting a server that would allow people to communicate and arrange multiplayer sessions but the response was poor. I don't foresee FeelThere hosting a similar server so it will have to be up to the community but interest will most likely need to increase for it to happen.   

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  • 3 months later...

He seems like an 11-year old, HORRIBLE spelling and grammar... almost unintelligible! 

Let me try to explain...

On 18.4.2017 at 4:15 PM, Don Rafael said:

hallo suche multiplayer server chabe neu york warum kan nicht schpilen multi playe was ist das peoblem

"Hallo, ich suche einen Multiplayerserver. Ich habe New York, warum kann ich nicht Mulitplayer spielen, was ist das Problem?"

"Hello, I am looking for a multiplayer server. I have New York, why can not I play multiplayer, what is the problem?"

On 21.4.2017 at 7:03 AM, Don Rafael said:

suche multiplajer schpilen wie kan ich schpilen

"Ich versuche im Multiplayer zu spielen, wie kann ich dies spielen?"

"I'm trying to play in multiplayer, how can I play this?"

On 23.4.2017 at 2:05 PM, Don Rafael said:

wie kan ich schpilen neu york multiplayer

"Wie kann ich in New York mit Multiplayer spielen?"

"How can I play multiplayer in New York?"

On 23.4.2017 at 4:34 PM, Don Rafael said:

ay haf tower3d pro end multiplajen not funktion way ane 3 airports help pl

"I have Tower! 3D Pro and playing multiplayer does not work, why? Any 3 airports, help please!"


I hope that was helpful!

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