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Sky King

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Many thanks! Purchasing now.....(along with KIAD my previous home airport).

Happy T-Day!

Update: Is any body else having Feelthere server issues? I am getting a 500 server error on some pages and others that do load are glacially slow.


Edited by Sky King
Server Issues
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3 hours ago, FeelThere said:

Thank you for the heads up. Bluehost insisted there wasn't any issue with the hosting and it took us this long to prove them indeed there was some issue. Hopefully it's fixed now. 

Thank you for your patience



Still loading very very slowly on a 1 Gb connection.

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16 minutes ago, Sky King said:

Still loading very very slowly on a 1 Gb connection


1 hour ago, EliGrim said:

There is still in issue going on. It takes me almost one minute to fully load your homepage ...

Loading fine and quickly for me.  0735 PST using an unstable and slow connection on the Olympic Peninsula of WA

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27 minutes ago, scoobflight said:

Loading fine and quickly for me.

I can absolutely not confirm this. Still extremely slow and only part of the content is loaded.
Here is an example when I visit the FAOR page:
Loading time is 44 seconds and neither graphics nor video can be loaded. Windows and browser cache cleaned; tried with 3 different browsers; always the same result.
On the left side my speedtest result to a server in Utah, where I assume the Bluehost servers are.
It's not my internet connection, other websites load without problems and I'm obviously not the only one having problems. I would say that it is very likely that there is a problem with the server.

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