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rmcglew last won the day on April 22 2019

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About rmcglew

  • Birthday October 2

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    Diecast airplane models, Tower 3D Pro

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  1. I tried out for over two hours your EWR schedule. Love it! Thanks for buffing it up.
  2. Thank you for this info. It's tough and time consuming the way I am doing it. I will use this new tool. Thank you again.
  3. Hello, Thank you for the feedback. I have every airport and real color. Including Real Traffic, Retro, and the latest patch. What I think is my little schedule gets scrubbed after I run Real Traffic V31. It's mainly on my GA aircraft I put different large aircraft as my GA. For instance, I use from Retro the 707. I have no idea how to change or make it show any color. It's white. Same for several other aircraft. What I am doing is putting TIST on steroids. I have many cargo planes, but the game will limit me on aircraft size. A321's no way. But a UPS MD11 or FEDEX DC10 I can take off. B737-900 will take off, but eats the whole runway. Is there a way to tweak the A321 to accept the runway for takeoff? But I am enjoying the high traffic of my design. Thank you for your input. I do appreciate when folks take their time to help someone out. Thanks to everyone with all your upgrades and tweaks that make this game so fantastic.
  4. Thank you so much Hexzed. I am slowly experimenting and appreciate the help. Cheers and stay safe.
  5. Hello, I am making my own fictitious schedule. How can I print out a list of what airline aircraft are available to me on the game? I have some jet traffic in my general aviation and I have a few white planes. How can I color these 707, 727 etc? I have three hours of a mix of many types of aircraft at TIST. When I am finished anyone can try it out. It's fast paced. But just for fun.
  6. Happy New Year to all, I am asking if anyone has a nice schedule for WSSS or FAOR. I tried to make a schedule, but failed horribly. I use Elgrim's Schedule Builder Tool - create your own schedules I love that site and use it all the time. So if there are any generous hearts out there a new schedule would make my day. Cheers to all!
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  7. I loved looking through your photos. Thank you for sharing.
  8. Sounds pretty cool. But I'm not a computer guy and I can imagine that its a really complicated request. But It would be nice to see airplanes that are not stupid and collide all the time when taxiing.
  9. Your schedule builder is a must have for us less computer literate. I would love for you to update it in anyway you seem fit. EGLL WSSS I love it.
  10. I would love you updating the web site. Its the best!
  11. It looks like one of their best so far. Once you get new schedules the airport really rocks. You got a large variety of airliners and paint schemes.
  12. Lets see how she works. I just installed it.
  13. Your schedule works great. It might be nice if you can make the traffic more. Its just a little slow. But thank you for the schedule.
  14. Thanks for the schedule. I will try it out this morning. Hopefully there are a lot of traffic. Looking forward to playing it.
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