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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, yes for Prepar3Dv4/v5 you will have to buy a new registration key for FSUIPC6. You only need to buy a registration Key for FSUIPC6 in you case. Please note if you have already a registration Key for WideServer7 (for FSUIPC4) that will work as well for FSUIPC6 and doesn't need to be re-bought. Thomas
  2. Hi, what you could do is activate in FSUIPC's Logging tab the Key and Buttons and Events (non axis) . With this you could see if really all key presses (incr/decr) are actually sent after 1 hour when it starts to don't work correct. Just to check what arrives of what the Keyboard maybe 'seems' to send. Thomas
  3. @adrem, if you have the same problem please follow as well was John already suggested to see what is happening. Thomas
  4. Hi, so the keys to move the Flaps F7 increase and F6 decrease work correct to set all positions? Thomas
  5. Hi, in case you use an add-on AC those controls don't work. In case of A320 they have an auto retraction/extraction depending on blow out speed and as well for Flaps 1 = Slats + flaps 1(auto) with speed limit 210 I think. That means FSLabs have their own logic build in and so you will have to use their SDK controls or L:vars. Thomas
  6. Hi, if you don't want to send it public you can email as well to dhc2float@gmail.com Thomas
  7. Hi, yes with H2 I don't see any flickering as I did before. The flickering was nearly on everything to see what was displayed on top of the main rendering. If you send the Lua file or its content I can check here. Thomas
  8. Hi, and you tried this? Thomas
  9. Hi, it's never a good idea to install FSX or any other FS into Windows\Programs Files folder as it has restricted access. Best would be to install FSX in its own folder like C:\FSX\ or something like that. Also did you install FSUIPC with administrator privilege, right click "Run as administrator" ? If not, rerun the installer with "Run as administrator" and before starting FSX delete the empty FSUIPC4.ini file. Thomas
  10. Hi, if neither the folder nor the INI file exists in the location where the add-on.xml points to, then you haven't FSUIPC installed. But if you have FSUIPC running within P3D and it is visible in Add-on menu, then open its Logging tab and use the center bottom button "Open Folder". That will open its location in explorer. Thomas
  11. Hi, first FSX doesn't need to run in any compatibility mode. Best practice is to NOT install FSX in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) folder. Make sure you have SP2 for FSX installed. Also make sure you followed the installation guide and installed FSUIPC as administrator (right click on the installer). I guess you used latest http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/Install_FSUIPC4975a.zip installer. Please provide the FSUIPC4 Install.log file and the produced FSUIPC4.log file, both are located in your FSX folder in \Modules\. ZIP and attach them to your mail or copy and paste its unaltered content to you message. Thomas
  12. Hi, make sure you are looking in the right location. In FSUIPC Logging tab on the bottom left center you can press the "Open Folder" button that will open it for you in explorer. If you still don't see a FSUIPC4.log file, you might have activated in explorer settings to hide extensions of known file types. Thomas
  13. Hi, pleas questions in relation to FSUIPC always in Main Forum ! I moved your post to Main Forum. I don't see a problem in FSUIPC6 with that. Can please send your FSUIPC6.ini file and FSUIPC6.log file after a schort and fully closed session. After you started the session mark in FSUIPC Logging tab "Button and key operation" and "Normal log file". Thomas
  14. Hi, did you run the FSUIPC installer with "Run as administrator", right click on and select that? Thomas
  15. Hi, FSUIPC in unregistered version gives you already access to all Offsets but not to any User facilities you normally don't need as a developer anyway. Thomas
  16. Hi, there is no Demo version of either FSUIPC or WideClient. FSUIPC is running as unregistered when no registration key is supplied and works then without any user facilities. WideFS 7 is integrated in FSUIPC and doesn't do anything without a registration key. In your case WideClient finds the supplied server PC but WideFS doesn't except/is not running. You would need to buy a registration key from SimMarket for WideFS7. Thomas
  17. Hi, you will find couple of Offsets you can use and write i.e. a Lua script using the ones they suit most. You will find as well more Offsets for Acceleration (positive and negative) over the X, Y and Z axis in ft/sec/sec Thomas
  18. Hi, I don't know if this is any good for PMDG use. It does it of course to the default control, depending on what PMDG is using ... Thomas
  19. Hi, as John already pointed out, those Offsets are not supported before P3Dv4. Thomas
  20. Hi, if you create profiles for the different AC and type series of AC, then only the one is used what you created it for. Assigned axis, buttons, keys or functions are not stolen from P3D, they are with FSUIPC assigned to FS/ P3D. BUT for this you need to have switch Controls in FS/ P3D to OFF, under Controls and in P3D the bottom Others. Thomas
  21. Hi, your second post in another Sub Forum has been deleted. Change this setting in FSUIPC INI file to Yes [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes Thomas
  22. Hi, just make copies of the file and name it to your needs, do the changes for the specific aircraft or series of aircrafts you want to use it for. Then use the method below, described in FSUIPC Advanced manual page 40 (see below). Thomas
  23. Hi, XPUIPC has nothing to do with FSUIPC. It is a solution to emulate WideFS and WideClient without any internal additional functionality. I t was designed as a bridge for those to connect software depending for communication with XPlane as it would be FSX/P3D. The developer stopped working on that, he worked under the name "tosi". In case it can only be used for XPlane and as said has nothing to do with FSUIPC or WideFS, you might find for sure answers on their Forum rather than here where very mostly everything is in relataion to Mickrosoft FS/ FSX / FSX-SE and LM's Prepar3D. Thomas
  24. Hi, first of all you would need to send some more information, unaltered files. FSUIPC5,log / FSUIPC5.ini and FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv Thomas
  25. Hi, please check your poti is correct connect.that the sonsor pin of the poti is really connect to the center pin on the board. Outer poti pins got to postive (+) and negative (-). Thomas
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