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Everything posted by futureboy

  1. Now I can put what taxiway I told the plane to exit at. What a pleasant surprise. RickyJ
  2. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, even better than the service pack RickyJ P.S. Now I just need to find that key sequence to move the camera around and get closer to the planes:)
  3. Yes it is. Just pick the airport and place the file in the correct directory and rename the file to, ????_schedule.txt (kphl_schedule.txt). RickyJ
  4. Yes, that is correct. When you download the "zip" file "RT_Tower3D_PRO.zip" make sure your Web browser or Virus protection does not trash the file because it is "zip" file and it thinks it is not trusted. There will be two "exe" files: RT_Tower3D_sp7.exe - Tower!3D RT_Tower3D_PRO_sp2.exe - Tower!3DPro Make sure you designate the correct installation directory as the default directory when displayed may not be correct. In addition, this is just the Real Traffic that will have airline names (American, Piedmont, Air Canada...) plane models (747, 727, CRJ, A300, ...) and real schedules of a certain point in time. Until you purchase Real Color all planes will be white. However, Real Traffic for Tower!3D will include all current airports, and a statement that any future airport releases will be included with future updates for no additional charge. RickyJ
  5. Thanks Russell. I was thinking "Real Time" or "Real Traffic" or a typo RL "Real Life". Sorry Wayne. RickyJ
  6. Perhaps a future feature where the status of the plane is displayed in the "strip' to indicate that the plane is ready for departure. RickyJ As far as sending commands while the pilot is still on the RT, I am sorry but I do not know what RT means, and could you explain "wind up"? Like when a pitcher is in the "wind up"? Or did you mean when some one is "down wind"? If you compare real life where you have several controllers that are on several frequencies against a simulation where you are one or two (multiplayer) controllers in addition to the speed at which the real life controllers speak as opposed to the speed of the speech in the game, I think the game would become quite frustrating if you had to wait several minutes before you could tell a plane to hold position because other pilots were talking. If you are given six departures and two arrivals all at once, it can take a while for the game to announce all of them.
  7. I have noticed that with Tower!3D Pro, the center section of the Departure and Arrival strip becomes "highlighted" when selected, but does not select the plane, you have to click on either the part to the right or to the left of the strip. In addition I also noticed new text in the center of the strip, in this screenshot the departing plane is indicating a "pushback" is in progress. I do not recall any other text being displayed here. Could this be the start or attempt of displaying more information as to the status of the plane, similar to the "Command Panel" "History" window? Could there be plane status like "taxiing", "waiting for departure", "waiting for taxi to terminal", etc, etc, etc.? Color me curious, RickyJ
  8. I agree. There are other games that will not let you speak or send commands if someone else (pilot/tower/ground) is speaking. It is nice to be able to speak or send commands in succession without having to wait for the pilot to stop speaking.
  9. There was a discussion in another topic about using macros and why the "Enter" key did not work. "Can't you assign "enter " to the end of the macro eliminating the need to press send??" You kind of have to be an old timer to know this, but the average keyboard has a "Return" ↩ key and an "Enter" key. The "Enter" key is usually on the numeric keypad while the "Return" ↩ key is part of the alphanumeric keyboard. A lot of keyboards today have the "Return" ↩ labeled as the "Enter" key. Blah, blah, blah, yadda. yadda, yadda. Enough already. Once you type, or click, or paste a command into the "Command Panel", you can either click the "SEND" button or press the "Return" ↩ key. Nothing will happen if you press the "Enter" key. The same goes for macros, you need to specify the end of the command with a "Return" instead of an "Enter" Of course I do not have macros so I cannot confirm nor deny the validity of my theories. But I can confirm that the "SEND" button and "Return" ↩ key do work. RickyJ
  10. It is a good thing that Fort Lauderdale has not been released for Tower!3D yet, or otherwise you would have to delete all the departing and arriving flights for Spirit Airlines :) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/09/business/spirit-airlines-brawl.html?_r=0 RickyJ
  11. The game and the manual have conflicting port numbers that needs to be open/forwarded when starting a multiplayer server. The documentation lists two different ports, 21112 and 22222 and the game lists one port 21112. The correct port to open/forward for the multiplayer server is 22222. The client (connecting machine) does not need to open/forward any ports. In addition you should have these two firewall rules: Name Profile Enable Action Override Program LocalAddress RemoteAddress Protocol LocalPort RemotePort AuthorizedUsers AuthorizedComputers AuthorizedLocalPrinciples LocalUserOwner ApplicationPackage tower3d All Yes Allow No C:\program files (x86)\feelthere\tower!3d pro\tower3d.exe Any Any UDP Any Any Any Any Any Any Any tower3d All Yes Allow No C:\program files (x86)\feelthere\tower!3d pro\tower3d.exe Any Any TCP Any Any Any Any Any Any Any If you have the Steam version, you program path may be C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tower 3d pro\tower3d.exe RickyJ
  12. Yes I have, and it always seems to involve a number with a leading zero, such as the compass heading. I can say heading 360, but not 000, I only get one zero. I can also say TURN LEFT 10 DEGREES, but cannot say TURN LEFT HEADING 010. RickyJ
  13. Uh-Oh, liar, liar, pants on fire :) I fingered it out, thanks to tcpdump: C:\Users\rick\>WinDump.exe -i \Device\NPF_{B70F1552-E4CB-493D-97BE-E6FD8EEAADD6} host rickpc_7 WinDump.exe: listening on \Device\NPF_{B70F1552-E4CB-493D-97BE-E6FD8EEAADD6} 08:12:42.006213 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.023789 IP Laptop.22222 > rickpc_7.59209: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.047751 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.089900 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.132966 IP Laptop.22222 > rickpc_7.59209: UDP, length 41 08:12:42.140406 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.150846 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 50 08:12:42.171276 IP Laptop.22222 > rickpc_7.59209: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.181472 IP Laptop.22222 > rickpc_7.59209: UDP, length 133 08:12:42.190434 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.211393 IP Laptop.22222 > rickpc_7.59209: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.230549 IP rickpc_7.59209 > Laptop.22222: UDP, length 12 08:12:42.230670 IP Laptop.22222 > rickpc_7.59209: UDP, length 37 Of course this was on a local network, waiting for someone to get online to test the WAN. RickyJ
  14. tcpdump results from probe on port 21112 C:\Users\rick\>WinDump.exe -i \Device\NPF_{B70F1552-E4CB-493D-97BE-E6FD8EEAADD6} port 21112 WinDump.exe: listening on \Device\NPF_{B70F1552-E4CB-493D-97BE-E6FD8EEAADD6} 07:30:09.473831 IP ps417858.dreamhost.com.37557 > PC_9.21112: UDP, length 4 07:30:09.923513 IP ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328 > PC_9.21112: S 4285599512:4285599512(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 7> 07:30:09.923994 IP PC_9.21112 > ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328: S 738672445:738672445(0) ack 4285599513 win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK> 07:30:09.962060 IP ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328 > PC_9.21112: . ack 1 win 29200 07:30:09.963540 IP ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328 > PC_9.21112: F 1:1(0) ack 1 win 29200 07:30:09.963803 IP PC_9.21112 > ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328: . ack 2 win 64240 07:30:09.975194 IP PC_9.21112 > ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328: F 1:1(0) ack 2 win 64240 07:30:10.009976 IP ps417858.dreamhost.com.53328 > PC_9.21112: . ack 2 win 29200 RickyJ
  15. Doing multiplayer when trying to connect the server is started and waiting for connection is displayed, the client goes to join but after about 10-15 seconds the message "not connected" comes up. Further attempts are unsuccessful. Pinging the "server" is successful with 62ms response times: ----???.???.???.??? PING Statistics---- 92 packets transmitted, 92 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/stddev = 62.0/63.10/72.2/1.61 Traceroute gets as far as the ISP in the "servers" city then times out, which is probably expected. Router is set to forward any IP address on port 21112 to serve Verified local IP address: Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi 2: Connection-specific DNS Suffix IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::1205:b1ff:fe6b:ca92%9 Probing the port: Port Status Protocol and Application 21112 Stealth Unknown Protocol for this port Unknown Application for this port Firewall rules are set to: tower3d Private Yes Allow No C:\program files (x86)\feelthere\tower!3d pro\tower3d.exe Any Any UDP Any Any Any Any Any Any Any tower3d Private Yes Allow No C:\program files (x86)\feelthere\tower!3d pro\tower3d.exe Any Any TCP Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Tower3DPro All Yes Allow No Any Any Any UDP 21112 Any Any Any Any Any Any Tower3DPro All Yes Allow No Any Any Any TCP 21112 Any Any Any Any Any Any In playing multiplayer with Tower!3DPro the only way a connection could be established is if playing on a local network or through a VPN using Hamachi by LogMeIn. Am I missing something? Between four of us we have not been able to connect to each other. Since it is late Friday, I'll give you guys a couple hours to hash through the problem :) RickyJ P.S. Would the game.log file from the server or client have any information? The server game.log file shows: Platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\tower3d_Data\Managed\System.Configuration.dll (this message is harmless) Platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\tower3d_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless) SERVER ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS ... ... ... OnEnable!!!!! Runways found: 28 OnEnable!!!!! Runways found: 28 Start Server P.P.S. Simple Port Tester Results
  16. This may be a limitation since the "plane tracking" has been changed but when you tell a plane to "enter final" for a different runway, such as going from KPHL 9L to 35, the camera view returns to the planes entry point (9L) when it is lined up for 35, until it gets to about 3nm from the runway, instead of the where the plane. Has anybody else experienced this, or is it just me? RickyJ
  17. Can't be that long ago. That was the year I finished my freshman year at UA, go Zips. And that was only a couple years ago. RickyJ
  18. SWE = Star Wars Edition American 734 RUNWAY 9L CLIMB TO 3000 ON REACHING CONTACT DEPARTURE CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF May the 4th be with you
  19. But sp7 for Real Traffic is for Tower!3D, will it work with Tower!3DPro?
  20. The registry keys for Feelthere are in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Feelthere\ There may be as many as seven different branches. What has been done before by some people in other posts is that the program has been uninstalled, the directory structure* deleted if anything remains, then CCleaner is run to clear the registry of any residual entries. *Directory structure will vary depending on your installation: BMT Micro = C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro Steam= C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Tower 3D Pro Good luck and may God speed
  21. Kinda blows your automatic installation theory out of the water.
  22. Have you modified or try to edit the tower3d.rec file?
  23. What if you have both versions installed and still play both????????
  24. That is great. I thought I was playing a tower simulator, but I guess this game is really a cockpit simulator. I mst be in the wrong forum. Fun while it lasted, Peace Out, RickyJ
  25. 1) False - There are gaandlocaltraffic.txt files created for all the airports KSAN and TIST are the only ones that are populated. I have created my own schedule for KSAN, but I am pretty sure that custom schedules will work for all airports, but I will need a couple days to confirm this. You have to create your own custom schedule if you want to do the "stop and go" or "touch and go". 2) True - GA traffic from other airports do not seem to be arriving. 3) True - But this should not prevent you from creating a custom schedule for "touch and go" or "stop and go". Again give me a couple days to confirm or deny this. 4) True - But the work around for now is to send the plane to departure once you are done with it or delete the plane once you send it to the terminal. None of these are show stoppers, except for the "low approach" anamoly and should not prevent a true enthusiast from enjoying the sim to its' fullest extent. I do not have multiple monitors or the capability of voice control but that has not deterred me from literally hundreds of hours (accumulated time display still not functioning, nudge, nudge) of simulation time. RickyJ
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