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Everything posted by EliGrim

  1. FS9: Version 9.0/9.1 of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 FSX: Microsoft Flight Simulator X P3D: Lockheed Martin Prepar3D Personally, I am a fan of X-Plane 11, but it might be worth waiting for the Microsoft Flight Simulator (unofficial name: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020). But this is quite off topic and I will stop posting at this point.
  2. Since there is no RC for ANS yet, this should be an easy fix for @nyergesdesign when Gabor updates RT.
  3. With Windows Defender you are good to go, no additional changes needed. As @crbascott already mentioned, this is not a valid command. If you want to use wind information for landing clearance, you need to use the modified tower3d.rec you can also find here: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/88370-tower3d-pro-tools/ In the real world, your command would be correct. In the game (for arrivals only) it is the other way round. N860FT, cleared to land, wind is (0)32 at 2 knots. It doesn't work the other way around in the game, because it wasn't originally designed to use wind information for landing clearances. Yes and yes! 😉 Edit: What @crbascott was also referring to is the annotated user manual from @rameus, which is definitely worth reading:
  4. In terms of quality, the Jabra Elite in-ears should be more than adequate. Personally, I would always prefer a wired microphone or headset designed for use on a PC rather than a smartphone. But that shouldn't be the problem here. You could go through the steps of the following link and see if you skipped anything. https://steamcommunity.com/app/588190/discussions/0/1861616237337417643/#c1861616237337882271 However, your system seems to be set up correctly. Just make sure that tower3d.exe is running as administrator and that parts of towerspeakbridge.exe and tower3d.exe are not blocked by any anti-virus or firewall software. To be honest, not all the steps listed are necessary, but they do not hurt. For example, the option "Recognize non-native accents for this language" is in my opinion more relevant for Cortana and not the Windows Speech SDK. But as already said, it does not hurt to have it activated, I'd recommend it. These sliders are irrelevant for speech recognition, as long as the audio settings in Windows are correct and the microphone does not pick up any game sound. This is true. Big time! Especially if you're new to the game, the room should be as quiet as possible. As soon as speech recognition is working reliably, background noise is handled quite well. In addition, I would recommend speaking in a robotic way and emphasizing each word individually. Also, it has proven to be a good idea to have a small pause of half a second to one second between callsign and the rest of the command. Once speech recognition begins to work reliably, you can start to speak more naturally. Unlike Cortana which is well trained by millions of people, speech recognition in your Windows is just beginning to learn. For me it took about 10 hours until commands were understood somewhat reliably. After about 30 hours I could speak commands much faster. After about 50 hours of playing the game the speech recognition worked perfectly, except for few glitches, which still appear from time to time. The speech recognition continues to learn as you play the game. Nevertheless, it is helpful to do the voice training from time to time during the first weeks or months. Ooh, I can do that too! https://forum.simflight.com/topic/88370-tower3d-pro-tools/ I'm sorry, Ashlee, for using your offer to help as softball. I hope you forgive me. 😓
  5. I like what I'm looking at. An upload function would be great, as well as clickable list entries with further information about aircraft type, terminal or destination airport. I am curious how it will progress.
  6. @FeelThere, @nyergesdesign, @FeelThere Ariel, Can you do me a favor and explain why so much RAM for the latest airport DLCs is required for the Steam version? With KDFW and later airports the minimum requirement has doubled compared to the base game. Recommended are a staggering 32 GB RAM, compared to the 8 GB recommended for OMDB and earlier airports and the base game. In my opinion, the system requirements of a DLC should never exceed those of the base game. Sometimes this happens if a DLC is a self-contained or (almost) stand-alone expansion with new game mechanics and significantly improved graphics. But that is not the case here. If we assume 3 GB of RAM (idle) and add 0.5 GB for Steam, 8 GB should be absolutely sufficient to play the game and any DLC airport. Edit: In addition to this, you recommend 8 GB of hard disk space since KRDU. Where does this number come from? Why not specify the DLC size and increase the recommended size of the base game? Could this 8 GB be an estimated total for the base game and all DLC? Does this mean that you are planning another 60 airport DLCs for T!3D? Extrapolated these would be required to use a total of 8 GB of hard disk space.
  7. Update v0.51 Problem solved with getting stuck at 63% during loading Note: The implementation of the next airports is slightly delayed. They should be available by the end of next week at the latest, hopefully. 😉 Schedule Builder Website If no GA flights are planned, the Schedule Builder has so far output a formatted but empty gaandlocaltraffic.txt. Although it is not a problem for most airports, it turned out that if an empty gaandlocaltraffic file is used for TIST and KLAX, the game tries to find the aircraft type RJ1. Where the game gets the information to search for this non-existent aircraft type and why an empty ga file is triggering it is a mystery to me and can probably only be answered by @FeelThere. The Schedule Builder now writes a text line that is ignored by the game into the gaandlocaltraffic file if no GA flights are planned. This should solve the problem. Many thanks to @Roelofb for sending me the created schedule and the log file. Without these files I would have puzzled for days without finding any explanation.
  8. Hi @Roelofb, can you zip the schedule files and your output_log.txt, upload it to e.g. workupload.com and then send me a PM with the link? (To write a PM hold your mouse cursor over my profile picture and then click on Message.)
  9. An excellent schedule, thank you very much. But with the 8 o'clock hour I failed miserably! 🤣
  10. @Vantskruv this is exactly what I expect from the new Tower version. Natural communication with the pilots (possibly also ground crew as ground controller) with intelligent speech recognition that recognizes the key words in a sentence and forms a valid command from it and this in a realistic modern tower environment. And if no valid command can be formed, a reasonable response and generally a realistic behaviour of the pilots. Furthermore, it should be possible to correct or revoke commands. Ideally, there will also be optional AI controllers, so that, if desired, only a part of the traffic volume can be handled and to which flights can be transferred or from which we can take over flights (strips). Nice graphics is a bonus for me and should not be the main feature of the new version.
  11. No, there is a Livery AddOn (Real Color) for every single airport, because with every new airport DLC at least one new Livery (as far as I can tell) is added. This leads to the fact that many Liveries are included in several different Real Color Packs. So it is not necessary to buy the matching Real Color Pack for every airport DLC, because most of the liveries might be included in other packs already purchased. That depends of course on which and how many packs have already been purchased. The Real Color Packs add the Liveries to the Real Traffic AddOn and can be used independently from the airports. Real Traffic and all Real Color Packs are not available in the Steam Store, but can be used for the Steam version of Tower!3D (Pro). https://steamcommunity.com/app/588190/discussions/0/1735507300809282463/#c1735507300810240926 Edit: @ashman99 was quicker 😉 but... ...this is only true if Steam is installed in the default directory and not, as it is often the case, on e.g. an extra harddrive for games. I personally would install Real Traffic first, but I see no advantage or disadvantage in the order in which you do it. Maybe @ashman99 knows more than I do, which may well be the case.
  12. That's my point. Don't try to make them compatible, create new ones. Then you could update the installers so that both the Tower!3D (Pro) version of the airport for Tower!3D (Pro), and the new version of the airport for TowerX can be installed. At Steam the respective DLC license key could be extended to the TowerX DLC counterpart. Or you could offer an upgrade for a small fee. In both cases (or all three cases) it would be ensured that only buyers of the old version of a DLC get the new version of the DLC, either for free or at a greatly reduced price. At the same time, you would not waste time and money trying to make the old, partially outdated airports compatible. That's my idea on this. Whether you adopt it is up to you. I just wanted to help, not start a discussion, because I think that trying to make the old airports compatible will lead to a half-baked gaming experience that probably isn't wanted by either side.
  13. Just to put my two cents in... Instead of running the risk of being limited in terms of functionality in the new version because of trying to make old airport files work, it would be easy to update the airport installer. This way, both the old and the new version of the airport could be installed, depending on the choices you made during installation. Either the files could be installed directly from the installer file, or they could be loaded from the FeelThere or BMT Micro servers during the installation. With Steam, the verification and installation would be even easier. If the customers should be asked to pay again, it would also be possible to integrate a system in the shop where an upgrade for the respective airport could be purchased by providing the purchase information and/or registration key. As long as the price including taxes and fees does not exceed 5 Euro, I personally would be willing to do so. At least it is likely that I will do it, which of course depends on the features of the new version. On the Steam sales pages for the airport DLCs you could put a note that there is the possibility of an upgrade via the FeelThere page or similar.
  14. This airport needs to be closed immediately by the local authorities! 😉 The weather effects are still in an early state of development, right? This massive semi-transparent lake can't be the final result. Drying concrete after rain looks quite different in the real world. But I don't want to be overcritical either. Much more important to me than the graphics is the (as free as possible) communication with the pilots, instruments/systems that come close to reality and realistic behaviour of pilots, aircraft and ground vehicles. Will you publish a roadmap so that we can follow the development progress and get an idea of what you plan to include in the new version?
  15. Thinking... thinking... responding: Please forgive the brash introduction. You have been on the forums long enough and have enough experience with the game to know that the game is poorly optimized and buggy. Also the DLCs show errors which are partly due to errors in the base game. You should also know that the developer will not make any changes, optimizations or QoL improvements to the base game. Also bug fixes of the DLCs are rarely done. This is unfortunate and annoying for the players, but that's the situation. A new graphics card will not fix the existing errors of the game. Edit: By the way, I am not the one who reacted with the laughing emoji. I think you have a valid point, only I am afraid that there will be no solution.
  16. This is not an unknown problem for me either. In the beginning it was AMERICAN, after about 30 hours it was SIERRA, after about 100 hours it was DELTA. The speech recognition also learns while playing and if you don't try to pronounce every word perfectly, and who is doing so, it can happen that the speech recognition "unlearns" or "overlearns" one or the other word. In this case you have to be patient and pronounce the word as clearly as possible, even if you have to repeat commands several times. It is quite likely that the problem will resolve itself after a few sessions. Additionally, performing the speech training several times, as suggested by @Controller- Rogue, can speed things up.
  17. Oops! 🤣 My mistake. Sometimes I do not know better, but here I did not revise the translation carefully enough. For if, when, whether, by the time, etc. the word "wenn" can be used in German. This can sometimes confuse a translation software when translating from German. My fault; post has already been edited! Kudos to you for paying attention. Love it, even if I look like a fool now! Or... Maybe I actually do know things!?! 🤔 Edit: I have thought about the sentence and find it not cleverly phrased in general. What I want to say is that if the situation normalizes this year, I will make the adjustments by the end of the year at the latest. If the situation has not returned to normal by then, the changes will be made at a later date, as soon as "normal" air traffic is re-established.
  18. Update v0.50 KLGA added Note: CYVR and KSFO (possibly also KRDU) will follow within the next days. These and all upcoming implementations will be in a pre-COVID-19 state. Even if some airlines have stopped or ceased their flight operations it is possible that one or the other airline will come back directly or in some other form or shape. At the moment there are a lot of unanswered questions. By the end of this year at the latest, if things have returned to normal, the airport implementations will be finally adjusted to the situation then present. Schedule Builder Website
  19. This is absolutely correct, but I do have the subjective impression that T!3D is quite sensitive to dynamically provided bandwidth. It doesn't matter once you're in the game, but last year's experience shows that the shorter the schedules are, the fewer interruptions during loading. At least that's what I noticed. I could be wrong, though.
  20. I want pilots who are smart enough not to collide. And when two planes are facing each other, the possibility of ordering a tug to push one of the planes onto another taxiway!
  21. This may vary. I'd say somewhere between 20 seconds and two minutes. However, I would not recommend loading a full day, especially in multiplayer. Ideally you use schedules up to a maximum of 6 hours.
  22. That's odd. If you use real traffic, is it guaranteed that you both use the same version, preferably the latest one?
  23. Is it guaranteed that you use exactly the same files? kdfw_airlines.txt kdfw_airplanes.txt kdfw_airports.txt kdfw_gaandlocaltraffic.txt kdfw_schedule.txt kdfw_terminal.txt
  24. https://steamcommunity.com/app/588190/discussions/0/2257935717960567024/
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